I'm sorry. I wasn't online for days. Only a few days,I need to catch up a LOT, this thread flies fast.
always have a lot of catching ups to do here ...

Backtracking 2-3 pages feels like a norm
About the question on Adisuan family, compare to other books, they don't appear so much. But Jeed does appear a lot. She moved in to Adisuan family and drove Cha-aim home and to hospital. Fai in PLR seems to be a bit henpecked. He loves and respect Jeed so much.
When they filmed PLR, Yaya was still busy with Kularb Rai Narm and they rushed to finish it quickly coz she need to be in DJA soon. So PLR team had no choice. They need to cut her part off. Anyway, I still think the scriptwriter doesn't do her best on pulling us in to PLR. Anyway, PLR epi 5-6 are much better than 1-4.
I agree with you about the scritpwriting. Even if the Adisuarn don't appear much in the book, they could always add in some scenes of the family and the brothers. The three brothers were there for Nam and for Fai. Why couldn't they be included in PLR ? Say, since Yaya could not make it because of shooting schedule, someone else in the family could do it right ? Like Lom ? Or maybe even Fai ...
Gah, still makes me mad thinking of what could've been ....
Hmmm - this makes me wonder - didn't they all discuss the whole concept thing during the pre-production period ? Y'know, for a project this big, i would have thought that Channel 3 and the 4 production companies should have discussed the details thoroughly.
Oh well ...
I agree with someone mention Mark & Mint offscreen chemistry. I saw bts clip of Tawan Dued where Mark pairs up with Yaya and Mint was in there too. I really think they're really close. I will find my free time to translate what they said in 4 huajai premium if it's not transltated yet. Reading the interview of the 4 directors and 8 casts, I can feel something going on between Nadech & Yaya and Mark & Mint.
Somehow I have that feeling too though it could turn out to be nothing in Mark + Mint's case. As for Barry-Yaya, didn't someone say that it's like the worst kept secret in showbiz now ?

I really think both couples are cute together ...
Please do translate when you can. Thanks in advance! ^_^