ann, janie, and ken seem to be the only "kissing" actors


sarNie Oldmaid
lols. could be? but i think the reason why so many hasn't done so is because they're being conservative. not saying that ann/janie/ken/chakrit..etc aren't. they're taking risks & the audience are definitely enjoying it! thai drama has evolved so much; i would not be one bit surprise to see other actors & actresses take on these kissing scenes.
Yes we are.... :D esp. wen it comes to watching Ken and Chakrit... :drool:

I am not trying to be a pervert, but I wish that the couples in Thai lakorns would be more affectionate... kind of like the Chinese and Korean on-screen couples. At the same time, too much is not good, either. Hehe ^^
i wish tat too :wub: but the ting i feel so bad wenever i watch a chinese or korean drama is the behind the scene..most of the actor/actress would be kissing each other so passionately onscreen but off screen..they'er like complete each other the cold shoulder..**tears**


ahaha um some of them u can see lip and lip action so i dunno how fake it can be... unless they have very pro skills at video editing which they can...

um yeah i remember that one lakorn with bee and namfon... gee lord... it was like she had plastic on top of her face so he went right at it and sucked her lip soooo hard hahahah

most movies are real kisses... love scenes in movies are straight up haha although they can use stand ins but for kissing, i'm sure it's them...

tuk bungkot is another real kisser hahah.


sarNie Egg
kissing actors and actresses?

i rarely see any kissing scenes in older thai dramas...but now i've seen more of a lip to lip touch kiss... I've seen Bie doing kissing scene in both his dramas with fang and Mew....


Just plain obsessed
if we're talking lip-to-lip action, which is rare, then that's ken and paul that i've seen, not too sure about the girls, because i've seen these guys do it more often