Apartment or House

Hey there buddies! I have a wondering question. Currently my rent for my aptment is $600 a month; on contract and its kinda a pain in the butt. But anywaise i was looking at the newspaper section and saw a house for rent. Its also 600$. Its a house! hehe! My aptment is a 2 bedroom and the house is also a 2 bedroom. So if you had to choose which would you take and why? Because I am really debating on this! Please help your input will be greatly appreciated!


sarNie Adult
depends what one is nicer, tha location, how u like it isnt it id say a house if its nice and perfect if ya get me coz then u probs have ur own garden as for me i have condo only have a balcony 555 buh great view


I'd say rent the house. But then Ice is right too. How's the location? You should really explore the place before deciding to rent it. If everything looks and seems nice, yes check out the neighbors next door too. You never know, some neighbors are mean to new comers.


I would have to say stay with the apartment...because you said that 600 is a pain in the butt already right...well if you were to get a house then you would have to add more bills...because you would have to pay for sewer, garbage, and water as well..and from what i heard paying for sewer is a pain in the butt..and water could get expensive tooo..im not sure about you guys over there but over here in oregon if you lived in an apartment you don't have to pay for sewer, water, and garbage! so think about it.


sarNie Adult
then there's things like... garbage. water. electricity.
a house would be nice... but a good house doesnt come that cheap.

i think, just which ever you like more.
and i think you'll figure that out.
dont look at the money situation as much.
cause as long as you're happy, the place is worth it.

if it's only you... apartment is okay.
but... house if you want to too.

good luck!
be happy!
take care!


Lakorn Obsesser
This depends na. Is the area good, nice, clean, anti-gangster? Like those. If your apartment's area is way better, then you should stick to the apartment.

Man! Where do you live? Around my area, you can't even find apartments for $600.


Hmmm...It depends on your budget, but of course, location is important also.

I would say stick to the apartment. Unless you want to spend more money for the house in the case of damages like leakage or washer not working and you have to get it fixed - that's money down the drain for you. Apartments offer you the help of The Maintenance Men, hah. But then again, if you can afford to pay for the maintenance yourself if you had the house, then why not? I don't know how old you are but if you're in the mid 20's and can afford to pay, then getting a house would be ideal - a practice to OWNING a house because you'll be living as if you owned it, accept you won't have any mortgages and rights to own because heck, it's just renting.

I thought of renting a house that affordable within my budget range but in my area, they're all out of my range. So, I stuck to my apartment. Plus, I get its amenities.

It's all up to you, pal!


what about utilities? Are they included in both the house & apartment? Location is definitely important as well as what kind of community you're living in. Like they say, I rather live in a cramped up place than not be happy b/c of the area. :lol: How's the commute to the grocery store, work & all that good stuff?


where do you live?!?! that's SOooOooo cheap!!! can i move in with you? jp. If it's the same price take the house it's spacious. Although the bigger the house the more you have to freakin CLEAN!! argh!! okay.. yea...