sarNie Hatchling
OMG I'm watching the part where Euy falls into the pot of hot water and dies. Does she die for real?? Or comes back to life later on? :shock:
RukBigD2B said:why wierd??? but anyways i neva liked her.. is she da nangek in mannee nope pra gao??? i meant da mom for da bad guy...
SecretAgent said:yeah, the mom who also a goddess. She was annoying because she always cried all the time, and then turned bad near the end. But I think she's a good actress though.
why not? :huh: is it horrible or what?ThanamasFanclub said:Yea me to..I'm like wow! Boy can sing lol..Too bad I never got a chance to watch his concerts..When he used to come out as the guest..But anyways..You wouldn't want to know about the nang aek in real life...
Another remake? I'm with you I'm afraid they will change not only the storyline and add weird characters that has nothing to do with the lakorn and the wardrobe...oh gosh...ThanamasFanclub said:I think it's good and bad..The bad part is..They might change the story line..The clothing..And so forth...But the good is good...