LMAO lome...that WOULD be funny!!... (im still laughing at that comment)
goodness i woke up an hr late to catch it live..but i didnt intend to watch it..somehow i remember that i had parked my car on the do not park zone..the city just decided to post that stupid signs for a whole month...in the front of my house! (dont know what they are planning to do? and why it will take that long for them to do it also...) <_<
i was so glad it didnt buffer much neither, otherwise i would have just fallen back to sleep lol ( i am so not a morning person..my morning starts at 12ish on the weekends?

ok and you know jom still aint well neither...when his evil side (taywun) came out and tried to talk him (jom) back into that revenge mode or quickly destroy this nongchanai ...he even hurted himself in the process of trying to hurt this so call taywun person (i have to watch that part again i was too focused on nongchanai if she was gonna catch him *my heart was beating fast at this part, while i was holding my breath at the same time but dangit, it didnt go as i thought* i wonder what really happen if it was a real life situation..come on now if it was real wouldnt ya interrogate the person til the truth comes out.. and plus that part where she mention while she was fist fighting with that his wife that the lil boy was eyeing them the whole time and umm was all emotional there..wth he's supposedley is helping her but instead is caught up in his own lil game.. she should have pressured him and get the truth out.. :mellow:
if it was you or me wouldnt ya ask why are he was so sensitive in this matter ...who was he and why do you really look like taywun and all that good stuff...it would have ended right then and there LOL but thats drama! Gotta spill it at the end instead...
oh but then again she wasnt sure if shes well or still bah and whether or not her accusation or well being is really what it is!...poor girl all of these bad ppl trying to hurt her one way or another..and her father who is of no help at all neither.
and what will prolly hurt her more is the person that she think she can trust is the number one person that wants to ruin her..unless of course all that sorta changes during the island scene
its gonna be an i hate you to death to a i feel sorry for ya to an i love ya...type of thing!