hmm no r eh!? regardless lol i still love this far its to my liking! i love how she played bah in this epi...i so had that strong arse feeling nongchanai was faking it too and have that 5% doubt bout it. (if not i would be hella pissed off....) too bad her daddy had to die...too late for him by the time he realized he was another fool for falling in the mother and son conning sad! (what was worst and i will prolly hate myself for saying this...but i had wished he did died...for being so gullible and being blinded by it all..i guess i was mad cause he didnt do anything to protect his daughter nongchanai) he would always tries to blame her or accuse her instead of siding with her, but anyhow the man is dead now...i guess i can ahow seekum him for that. :mellow:
okie now i sorta wanna see karma...tum dee dai dee but for those ppl that tum rai that big lip lady whatever her name was in the lakorn...she was so annoying i didnt even bother to listen to her name nor remember it for that matter. <_< i wish her and the other bad guy get what they deserve too...
so overall this lakorn..has 5 bah ppl.
nong chanai's mother...
nongchanai herself (emotionally from a horrible child hood & with the help of meds)<---poor thing
jom/taywun (he never saw that one coming)<---poor guy caught in the mist of it all with the cost of his son's & so called wifes' lives
chakrit for an epi or so
chakrits mother...she showed some bah'ness in this epi. (and from what??? see what greediness can do to a person?...

good lord!!)
the next ones might be the guy that help throughout the lakorn & the big lip lady. from being afraid to go to jail(sorry, i tried to go back and catch her name but i cant seem to and trying to pronounce her real name is not helping neither, since i dont know if its pronounced as jonraya or jonya) already almost satisfied that finally finally ...half the bad guys are caught...well until the preview of the next epi showed at the end..chakrits mom pulling out the revolver...gosh i wonder whos gonna get shot! that part went by so fast i didnt get to see the person that got hit. wonder if it will be jom/taywun that got hit in the leg..?! :huh: