Borisud Bumbut Kaen(Broadcast Thai)


sarNie Fansubber
Aum said this lakorn would be airing in September.
Is it the same slot with Jai Rao? :huh:


sarNie Coma
oh really?..yeh thats around the same time as jai rao. how funny! ch3 really is trying to air those two lakorn around the same month


Staff member
september yes.. hehe almost time.. with jai rao omg.....>_< .. hehehe ch3 probably want their ratings kekeke xp .. i so cant wait.. these 2 lakorns.. hehe .. xp..


Staff member
wow. that's mad crazy .. same month. .. and it's my birthday too .. AWESOME for the news .. THANKS WISHY :wub:


sarNie Coma
thats a good birthday present for you, cecilia. so it turns out that these 2 lakorn will air in the same month afterall. just like what we expected


Staff member
ooo on ur bday ceci.. that's kool xp .. hehe.. this n jai rao .. back to back ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .... xp


anie's bb [c] D=
woo what great news, hehe cant wait. now if only BGST air that slot too :loool: oooOOOoo yeah, happy bday ceci for september.


Staff member
^Jen, it's our birthday gifts. One for you, one for me .. or TWO FOR US :loool:
what a honor to see it all in one month .. i'm excite .. can't wait.