thanks wishbone.. eek. im so happy keke.. wow.. cant even post up the pixs.. eek.. thats fine... but awwe.. i wanna see them too though keke xp..Though this lakorn has no any updated or any news, the shooting has much progress. I think it will be done before Jai Rao or Borisat Bambad Kaen. (I heard Ann complained that Borisat bambad Kaen had slow progression because Aum always had gone to shoot other lakorns.)
I kept checking and I saw often new updated about the shooting of Botan Gleep Sudtai.
And also in Aum's schedule on his site, he has to shoot this lakorn 4 days a week.
From what I know, they are shooting the scene of Chinese opera performance right now. And I heard that some of Tui's fan asked the producer to go to see they shooting the scene, but the producer allowed just a few of them to go because she didn't want the outsider to bother the actors' concentration on acting.
Anyway, they took a lot of photos, but the production team asked them to not publish or post those photos anywhere yet before lakorn would about to air. I don't know why they want to keep this lakorn to be low profile like this.
Anyway, I think this lakorn will be airing within this year and there will be more news about this lakorn when it's about to air.
hahaha KUTE.. xp .. hehe.. i love ateam.. i def cant wait keke.. woot woot..another cute pic of Aff and Aum (Aum teasing Aff) from Papayon Bunturng Magazine.
credit to
(the words in the balloon:
Aff: Have you teased Pinky like this?
Aum: That's special one. I tease her in another way.)
they are so cute together!!! match perfectly, they have the chinese's style, it's funny.another cute pic of Aff and Aum (Aum teasing Aff) from Papayon Bunturng Magazine.
credit to
(the words in the balloon:
Aff: Have you teased Pinky like this?
Aum: That's special one. I tease her in another way.)
another cute pic of Aff and Aum (Aum teasing Aff) from Papayon Bunturng Magazine.
credit to
(the words in the balloon:
Aff: Have you teased Pinky like this?
Aum: That's special one. I tease her in another way.)
you read my mind, would be nice if they're closer than this .. but *sighed* i came to accept aum/pinky. it's okay. i'm still a bit hopeful -- a bit. LOLLove that pic look they are very close
me too! ateam :wub:you read my mind, would be nice if they're closer than this .. but *sighed* i came to accept aum/pinky. it's okay. i'm still a bit hopeful -- a bit. LOL