I just wanted to comment on Pan's character. I know everyone is fed up with her selfishness but I promise you when she starts to change herself and think of others you will love her so much more especially comparing her character later on to her character now. Vee will undoubtedly fall deeper for her. I think this lakorn portrays a real relationship, cause in a relationship no matter how hot or good looking a person is eventually if that person show their true colors the relationship starts to falter and fizzle. But in Lamaid and Pim's case when they eventually fall deeply in love they will have known each other's personality and flaws well and their relationship will be fulfilling.

I have to say I'm really liking Vee's character...he might seem like a meany to Pim right now but deep down he's trying to change her bad habits b/c he really did truly fall for her in the beginning. It's just that his perception of her was wrong and he was disappointed but as I said, he knows her flaws now so when he falls more deeper in love with her it will be all the more sweeter.