phatman said:
I'm watching the soccer game right now and uh...they're kind of playing like little kids. Haha. Well, most of them are. There are the few who are actually skilled in soccer.
*Ahem* Who's that number 35 on white team? He kinda cute. :ghehe:
Bwahahaha. I laughed out loud whenever I saw James Ji running around with his hands flailing around. I could almost hear him going "WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Mario Maurer looked fatigued by the end but the crowd went nuts whenever he played. I admit i was partly sympathetic for him and partly fangirling him (well mostly fangirling); and did someone else notice how Bomb Tanin suddenly looked so attractive with those pink cheeks of his from running around?! Great, Pope and Suriyon looked like they really knew what they were doing.
And the concert oh my my my my!!! James Ma was frickin HANDSOME. I perfectly understand why his suit did not have tails - He has magical legs. seriously. James Ma's legs. I die. And his voice... :woot2: kyaaaaah. Best solo performance of the night for me.
Call me evil though, but my favorite part was when Mario slipped on stage. The poor kid. He was probably so fatigued with the soccer match, parade, then that concert. I really admire those boys' stamina. I hope they make them drink heaps of gatorade and oral dextrose, god, they were all sweating like crazy. I mean, what is up with those suits anyway? And apart from that they still had to dance around under the hot lights. I really have to give it to all those boys. Their job isn't easy.
What was that crazy dance they all danced towards the end? It was frickin awesome when they were dancing with abandon. I want to have a party like that seriously. Crazy dance party!