Catching up on Tonight Show now and loving the cast more!
The host asked how they all felt to be a part of BR. Art said he personally asked k'Nong to work with them. PJ said within the 2 years and 3 months of filming, there wasn't a day on set he wasn't happy to work. Toey said it was great and he enjoyed riding horses. Phet said it was his first period drama and he was excited and unsure of how to do it. The host teased that Phet is good in front of the cameras already hehe. Then he asked Art and Art said he didn't ride horses much, he just ran LOL.
Host asked who was best with riding horses. PJ said Toey is good, but it's hard on the horse because Toey's heavy; Phet is really good.
I think Beau said she and Prang rode the buffalo into the
I really appreciate how attentive the host (what's his name again??) was to the acting abilities of BR's cast.
Host asked what Juang's real feelings were, and Beau answered that Juang secretly liked Sang because Juang likes bad boys, even though women know that these type of men are bad and they shouldn't like them, it's like battling their real inner feelings LOL. The host commented that she played out those secret feelings very well.
I have to agree with him. If not performed well, it would have been hard to believe Juang would fall in love with Sang after the horrible attitude he displayed in the first couple of episodes.
PJ said Beau is more mature than him; when they act the heavy emotional scenes he'd go bother(?) her but she'd scold for some time to herself, so eventually he learned to give her space after those scenes, heh.
PJ also said the more he played his character, the more he fell into character of wanting to win her heart, and also since Thap is better at a lot of things "Sang is a hotheaded person and wants to beat Thap at something so just win the sister first, and that's like beating Thap already." I loled at Toey's face, he looked like he was Thap at that moment thinking "Sang, you better watch yourself."
Toey talked about Thap being close to Faeng since they grew up together, and becoming familiar with Wawa, being able to sense when her feelings aren't there during filming. Wawa talked about, during filming, she would try not to think of herself as acting but as looking at the man she loves, the hero in her heart. Hahaha, Toey was so touched. I wanna know what Art was giggling about lol.
Phet confessed that he has secretly liked someone in real life hahaha. And he said it was really easy working with Prang, just looking into her eyes. And he said his scenes with Prang were always full of emotion or drama, or crying. Host turned to ask Prang, and she said she's happy to work with him, and then they all started giggling, so the host asked if the two of them were dating XD
Host asked what Noon thought of the phrase, "Loving our country." She said she thinks all of the cast can agree that they all love their country with their lives. PJ said if they called for people to go fight for their country, he wouldn't hesitate. He wanted to be a soldier when he was younger but he said his head wasn't right LOL.
Beau said she could die for her country, in the past she felt a sense of pride in being Thai and would try to help others learn about Thailand.
Then Toey agreed and got emotional! He seems very proud and like he grew a lot from being a part of BR. He said dying for his country wouldn't just be for him but he'd do it for others, and that the cast acted with a lot of intention to bring this message to everyone. Wa talked about how the lakorn taught her about the value of life, and of having purpose before dying.
I repeated stuff others have posted, but I love reflecting on the cast's comments. Correct where I'm wrong. I generally enjoy the Tonight Show as the host asks pretty good questions and seems like a cool guy. I'm glad the cast was on there!