@Cool; HEHE. I KNOW RIGHT. I seriously don't know what brought me here... oh wait.. I think it was PHET. LOL. Omg, I'm a Kichy killer right here. -.- That was when I had a huge "CRUSH" (still do) on Phet and I love Toey so yeah. You get the point.
@Alice, OH YEAH. I forgot. I was looking forward to seeing Marie in that one though.. I mean, I'm fine and HAPPY with Namtarn but I miss Marie. & some of you said she was lucky to be paired with Por N. so I was hoping she'll get more promoted..
@Huajaklaungtur; I don't know thai well AT ALL. But I have been catching a feeew. Let's see, I know crazy, hello, uhhhhhhhhh...... I love you, I hate you, remember, & that's all I can think of right now but still terrible at thai. My dad doesn't watch thai lakorns as well. I just want him to teach me what words mean and all that teacher stuff, haha. I already told him to before. He told me a few but I forgot them. But anyways, I also don't like the idea much for Look Tard. But Ken does look good shirtless doesn't he? [;