i just finished skimming through ep 19, but i was watching it with my little sister who have been patiently listening to all my ranting about this drama. but somehow she manage to see a different perspective than me. she brough up some things that i found interesting but reasonable. I'll paste down what my sister wrote to me from home. Lol. I'm at my office working and she's at home watching it too. (and yes, we like to write big sentences/paragraphs.

"as i watched i felt that i'm watching completely two different stories in one.
the whole time, i felt that nangfah and fahlada is completely two different people and Charles is just searching for a woman that is already dead to him. don't get me wrong. i love this drama and like the couple but as i watched, that idea build on me. i guess i'm trying to say that nangfah and saichon is a couple that will probably never come back because as a person, the two of them are changed whether or not she regains her memories or not. Charles cannot go back to being Saichon as he been through all that pain and suffering and lost all innocence that makes us love him at the beginning. he is now an experience and seasoned man who seen the cruelty of the world. i have a hard time seeing fahlada becoming nangfah again because she is nothing but suspicious, hateful, and distrusts charles even though she cares for him, when nangfah would have trusted charles unconditionally and follow him to the end of the earth.
when we have our happy ending, i know i will cheer them on, but at the same time it will be for a different love story than that saichon and nangfah because i don't think they're be able to return to the person they had once been. Of course, despite all that, the love they share only grows stronger and they'll be able to overcoem anything that comes their way."