Beautifully written! Thanks for sharing! Yes we love JT!I was so psyched to watch this and then I accidentally read some posts complaining about the character of Nok and Taew's acting blah blah blah and that actually made me a bit cautious about this lakorn even though I love Lakorn Thai and their slap and kiss lakorns. Well, I should have trusted my instincts because I really love this lakorn, I think I love it even more than I love Kleun Cheewit, which I have been rewatching every couple of months since last year. If you thought James and Taew were cute in NDFD, multiply it by a hundred here. Their chemistry is fire here. Slap and kiss, baby, pra'nang as parents, this lakorn was made for me.
James has always been a cutie patootie to me and he's slowly developed into some sort of sexy p'ek over these years. He was super manly in Padiwarada but he's even more so in this lakorn. He still looks like a toddler but simultaneously he's an attractive man LOL. The scene where he tells Nok that he will make her relaxed on their wedding night, OMG his expression. Luckanai is such a likeable character, I just adore how dedicated he is to Nok and is always there to cheer her up and protect her. I love how he isn't afraid to tell her he loves her and he tells her so many times. Luckanai is the kind of p'ek you just want to root for; he's tragic, he's romantic and a good daddy, what more can you ask for? It's so strange to see such a baby faced actor play a father but his acting is so good and he plays such a good father that it's a conflicting sight to see LOL. James nailed his role here.
I relate to Nok, I'm pretty sure I would have reacted the same way she did because I'm an only child too. My grandma and mom are convinced that I am pretty much Muenchanok in real life LOL. Her behaviour is understandable and I didn't find her annoying but rather I felt for her. I love her scenes with her dad, especially the scene where she ate popcorn in bed with him, it's very sweet. I still found her endearing even though she's so stubborn and likes to provoke the p'ek. Good gravy I loved the scene where her heart is breaking and she goes to try to buy her father and husband from Khae. Taew has played a mother so many times that she's just a natural at this point. People hate Taew in bratty roles but her as Nok and as Namfon from Plerng Toranong have been my faves.
Chai and Tanya are so cute together, it would have been great if the parents got back together but I suppose this is a bit more realistic. I found it hilarious that she ended up with Wayt, I really didn't see that coming. Wi is a great character, she's such a good balance for a mom; she'll side with Nok and help her if it comes to guilt tripping Tawat but she's reasonable in trying to get Nok to see reason as well. I love how supportive Nok's parents are and how much they'll collaborate when it comes to Nok, divorced or not they put their daughter first. Though it did upset me to see that Tawat wouldn't walk for Nok but rather for Khae, I can totally understand why Nok was so upset. For a father to not want to heal himself for the sake of his daughter but will do it for the sake of a woman he's loved for only a year, that's just infuriating.
Lakorn Thai makes such good slap and kiss lakorns over the years, I have yet to be disappointed. Chudapa's directing has really improved and this is her best work to date. Her work here is almost better than my favourite, Aew Ampaiporn's work. There were so many good love scenes and the kissing scenes were superb. I love how elevator force kiss was so long and James really went for it, I appreciate how much he didn't hold back compared to other p'eks. In fact James really gave it his all in all the kisses rather than what he has done in the past. I like how they spent a whole episode on Nai and Nok being parents and didn't have it as just a 5 minute scene in the end. Nok's grovelling was well done. Truly the best lakorn from 2018 and this has definitely made it onto my top 10 list. This lakorn is pretty much flawless, I love how the leads are almost always together and there isn't too much focus on the other characters. I'm glad that Penny didn't cause that many issues for the leads, I was scared when Nok let her back into the house but luckily she really only did one bad thing and she was forgotten about until the end. 5/5 stars, I haven't loved a lakorn this much since Kleun CheewitWouldn't mind if these two get paired up again.