FullCaps ep 6 Part 3
FINALLY I'm almost finished and I can go detox from this traumatic experience with some BPS fanfiction
I don't know how much longer I can stand to watch this, even for Pope...
Nice camera angle
You caught Chippy's blank expression perfectly
Yep, I'm definitely A LOT more invested in this relationship than Pope's.
Tieng really feels like an afterthought. He barely shows up in the drama, and they never develop his character. I (like to) think part of the reason Pope's acting is so inconsistent is because he hardly has a character. Tieng just doesn't really exist; we don't know ANYTHING about his personality except that he has mama troubles and he used to take drugs. Oh, and he's interested in Chippy, though I can't imagine why.
...ew. Why does Pope look-- dare I say it--
gross in this scene?
I think it's that shirt. That is most definitely NOT a good color for him.
Man, they can make this drama as bad as they want, but they CANNOT take away my HOT samee. If they don't fix this right now I'm bailing and you all can watch on your own.
Oh look, another wannabe romantic scene ruined by the fact that Pope and Chippy's characters have ZERO chemistry
I just can't get into Pope on a motorcycle. He just doesn't look the part. I know irl people don't "look" the part for a motorcycle but in a drama I expect my samee to AT LEAST be wearing a leather jacket when he rides a motorcycle, not that hideous ensemble
Yes, keep doing close-ups of Pope so I don't have to look at that nasty shirt he's wearing
I don't think I've ever been more underwhelmed in my life.
Oh wait. I have.
When I started watching this drama.
In spite of everything, I still seriously dig this soundtrack. Very unique, very emotional, very modern. Too bad the drama sucks.
Oh look, guy-who-only-looks-good-in-two-angles looks upset. Probably because even that druggie kid is better looking than he is.
Sorry man, it's really not very hard to do.
THANK THE HEAVENS ABOVE that's over. The episodes before this were bad, but this one was a downright horror story. The Pope barely turned up, Chippy was blank, the side characters went nuts, they developed the ten side storylines while we STILL haven't made any progress with Tieng's recovering druggie storyline, and the characters were all MONSTERS. Like please tell me these aren't supposed to be actual human beings because I hope nobody on this Earth is THAT STUPID. (Actually I work in customer service so I know there are people in this world like that

but still)
And at the end they even took away my HOT SAMEE and put him in that ABOMINATION. Like take away the one thing I'm watching this for, fine. It's FINE.
My FullCaps from now on are going to be strictly roasts of this drama because that's the only way I'm gonna make it through.