Just finished episode 10!

For Those Who Have Not Seen, SPOILERS ahead!!!
That last scene was so middle school that it had my ears turning red from how cheesy it was.
Okay taking it back, I felt really icky watching Pim pimp herself out to Sitta. I am not a prude, but I don't believe in using your body to get what you want, especially if it's for Ill will to another person.
It's also why I am apprehensive with G's mom, she sold herself for protection for her and her family, it was her act of love. But the price she has to pay is big.
This was the first time I felt a little bad for Piak(but not a lot), but she brought the distrust of Chaiyan by saying she would hurt G if he went to her. And then hours later the shooting happens, so for chaiyan to jump to that conclusion seemed fair, since he seen her pay actresses to hit G he knows his wife could follow through her promises. So her feeling victimized at his way was brought on by her actions. And so glad G told her practically the same thing when she fell into the pool,

that scene
The scenes with Thit and G in the teacher's home were funny. Her teacher teasing G about her giving up the bedroom to Thit because she would be the one sneaking into Thits bed and having her way with him, lmao!
The teacher was hilarious about the two of them, especially that last phone call lol!
Warning More SPOILERS ahead!!!
Next week people! It's the start of the end and I can't wait to see how it's all going to play out. The nasty stepfather VS Thits fist, Pim's slap VS Khun Ying, G and Thit's hug, Piak fainting( all drama logic confirming she's preggers,lol!)