Hello again NY loves, I have been NY supporter since GRGR days and I have an advice for your sanity.
When there is a NY lakorn, please don't watch too many BTS and avoid reading spoilers as well as take a break from Mae Kaew's and Ya's IG here and there. Trust me. It helps and you can enjoy NY without getting burnt. I felt like watching BTS and following NY while they are on location on social media always put my expectations so high and I cannot enjoy the lakron as much since my imagination is pretty wild for NY.

I had that experience with Rising Sun..... and after that I try not to watch too many BTS clips.
I was not in here on purpose (to avoid spoiler pics) and only came to post my first review after epi.1+2 (I'm sure you all haven't forgiven me for that "hairy sauce" comment) and thought I was being a party pooper so I didn't comeback to comment but I've watched every episode of LR. After watching all of NY's lakorns, I have to say that after GRGR and DJA, I did end up liking LR somewhat. LR is far far far from perfect but both Nadech and Yaya are just perfectly beautiful in here. Plus, we saw Na's waxed chest!!!!! (Confession: I also did run away after his chest got too hairy for me so this is a legit fangirl moment for me. I feel like I've waited eternity for him to wax his chest. hahahaha So yeah, I may have liked that scene a bit too much).
In honesty, I hope our beloved NY learn to choose their next script for the story, not for the hype (I think Rising Sun, LR and Nakee2 fit that category). Just because you have the perfect wardrobe, location, and a good production house doesn't mean the public will love the lakorn. I think LR is very well received. Ratings are NOT bad.... they are not BPS great but then BPS is unique with an original story.
I also hope NY will get a chance to work together again with a great script in the future but not too soon. There is no such thing as NY curse (lol).... it's just that NY been paired so much and their PERFECT image (for both Na and Ya) that people are tired of. Take a nice break from lakorns together for a bit (not real life!) and come back with an amazing story for the fans. We are not going anywhere.