Spolier!!Ahju And Songklod were both drugged by the grandma..GUYS. the time has came. Prepared to grab something to whip your eyes. The next few episode will start to be dramatic and sad. As the story starts to develope,Songklod will show more sign of the saying "Don't you dare touch my women." Songklod is very protective of Ahju and will only give in to her. He is also willing to die for her. Singh is very interesting aTm. I really love the pace and how nothing is being dragged. Songklod and ahju are so CUTE. GOD ANYONE SAW THE SCENE WHERE TIK TOOK OFF HIS SHIRT AND HIS PACK!!!!!!Omg!!! I scream my Face off!!!! SHIRTLESS TIK IS HAWT!!!I BLUSH SO MUCH TODAY, THE SCENE WHEN SONGKLOD CARRIED AHJU DURING THE FIRE WAS SO MANLY, THE SCENE WHERE SONGKLOD AND AHJU WERE PRAYING OUTSIDE AND THE SCENE WHERE SONGKLOD TEASED AHJU BY GIVING HER A KISS ON THE FOREHEAD AND KISSING HER MORE WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ROMANCE AND HAWT!!!!!!!Songju FINVER!!!!!!