I have one question. How are we to survive until next Monday??????
I might be the odd ball here, but I find all the 'so called' torturing scenes so darn funny, could be because of the comical interactions between the two. Wanvisa sure does have a mouth on her. She's enough to drive Parob crazy with her actions and comments alone. And Parob trying to school her on how to be a wife cracks me up! These two are so hilarious together! Wanvisa is supposed to be tortured while being held captive, but in some scenes she's enjoying herself at the view, playing by herself in the river, while Parob just looks at her like she's crazy. I find it so darn cute and funny how they rudely talk to each other. They look and sound like two old married couple, who is now stuck on an island on each last nerve. LOL
So next Monday scene does look like a willing scene since Wanvisa's hand was rubbing on Parob's back. What do you guys think?