EP1 Thoughts...continued...finally :ghehe: :
- OKAY, back to the story...
- This series is definitely more focused on the Chinese background, especially the martial arts aspect.
- I'm surprised Ken pulled off the martial arts scene quite well. I thought he'd be more awkward, but nope. That tattoo though, someone erase it please? HAHA. I do like that he's kind of getting his shape back though. :ghehe: It's a bit saggy, but not too bad, not bad at all. Diew on the other hand... :faint: He's so yummy!
- So they do have a police stationin their little China town....where were they at in Suer and Singh. HAHA. Inconsistency I say, inconsistency. I find that robbery scene to be hilarious. Yoke's screaming at the top of her lungs that someone's stealing her purse and yet nobody does anything and she runs around hysterically funnily yelling out "Ah, someone stole my purse, call the police..." I couldn't help, but laugh.
- Awe...Yoke's so happy here. I still can't get over her tragic love.
- Oh my Ken looks so darling in here! Especially in those suits!
- Aha, so that's the scene his identity is known. HEHE. That scene between Hong and Chonlathee touched me soo much that I became teary. :cry: It's a combination of the chemistry between Ken and Janie, and the music, and the cinematography that mad e it so good. I must say that's my favorite scene of EP1 so far. Haha. And it wasn't between our pra'nang. I'm glad they're showing more of the other lead cast in here. Thank goodness. I don't like it when they're all just shoved to the side because the story isn't about them. SOO, big A plus for this! Makes me wonder why Thee and Hong have such relationship. Why does he care for her more than a sister?? I guess little Songkrod wasn't in those flashbacks because he was in America. Haha. Unless those scense were WAY before he got disowned.
- DONUT!!! SO beautiful!!! OMFG, Donut and Ken looks hawt together. Why didn't I ever think the two would look great together. WTH. That one second when she fixes his shirt was hawt. HEHE.
- I'm not really liking Cherry's take on her character nor her character.
- I thought Yaya already knew that Tham was Thee's twin....from Sansaeng??? And that he's in gang Krating and is the leader, so why was she surprise when the met Tham at his office??? Unless Thee wasn't in gang Krating. Okay I'm confused. HAHA.
- WOah Cherry can run. HAHA. I haven't seen a nang'ek run so...athletically haha. She's the first.
- I want more of the storyline, but I guess for Krating, Thee and Janchompoo's storyline IS the main storyline hence the focus. Haha.
- Camera?? They had security cameras back in the days?? HAHA.
- Alright, my official EP1 impression. Good, but not great. HEHE.