I know it's really wrong of me, but I'm kind of interested in seeing Rome in a 'mean' type of role. He always plays the nice guy, so I'm curious to see if he can pull of a Kawee/Harit type of character. I'd be okay with a mean p'eke'
for as long as he realizes he was wrong and tries to make it up to the n'eke. Kind of like how Kawee kept going after Rin and saying sorry when she left the house. It was good to watch him suffer and try to prove his worth to Narin after being so mean in the first half of the series. I'm kind of hoping to see that same intensity from Rome's character- it's what stands out most.
When you think about it, a lot of the popular lakorns (like Jam Leuy Rak and Sawan Biang) have this type of hero. It's just really hard to pull off because I notice a lot of other lakorns try to copy them and have a mean hero, but they don't handle it well. Sometimes, they have the mean hero but they never make him good, or he realizes the error of his ways in the last episode (that's too late!) and he never grovels or changes. I think the secret to JLR and SB's success is that the p'eke's go through a transformation of character after they are proven wrong about the n'eke, and after they learn to fall in love the first time they- try to make it up. That's what's so satisfying about it for me
I don't mind lakorn with nice p'eke's but I find them boring...since they don't really go through anything and there's no intensity involved. Whereas if the p'eke is mean throughout the story but never changes- I don't like this as well because there's no satisfaction.