Pardon me y'all. This is a wee bit OT but I had bumped into this topic and I'm just snickering and lol-ing in slight disbelief.
Isn't this the forum where the trolls in mteam forum originated from? They created multiple accounts, snooped around, took what we shared, distorted it, and ran back to their havens to continue talking smack about us? Not to mention, slandered and defamed Prin and Chalida (along with other celebrities lol) ? It's not very different from public humiliation. I don't visit this forum (except once or twice this year and I regret putting so much garbage in my head lol I blame google) but I remember a few of you had vented your complaints at mteam forum or through private messages. If this is a misunderstanding and y'all were lying, sorry for bringing this up.
I just have to say: Disrespectful people demanding respect? Smh. People who smack talk can't tolerate others doing the same? The hypocrisy is so laughable.
Not trying to stir anything although it can start something (but it doesn't need to. This is a community thing afterall and it's your choice to prolong or ignore my comments). I just want to let this out somewhere and I choose to make it here. End of story. Lol.
Please feel free to carry on and continue spazzing about mteam. I know most of us just want to stay dramafree. I do too but I have to say what I have to say what's on my mind mind mind ~~~~~~~