omfg!! I stood up late just to catch up the last part of NM2. WTF?!?!?!? so f--king screw up! Wow.... so unjustified!!! effing speechless. Srsly, that's the end of NM2?!?!?!??!!
Yeah, I know. Same here. I'm so annoyed. Grr.mmgjp314 said:However, there are so many, many past lakorns that deals with governmental business as well, but none of those lakorns have ever been a big deal for politicians. NM1 also went out fine, no problem. But when it comes to NM2, there's a problem with this? wow... speechless..sigh*
DaisyDukes* said:omfg!! I stood up late just to catch up the last part of NM2. WTF?!?!?!? so f--king screw up! Wow.... so unjustified!!! effing speechless. Srsly, that's the end of NM2?!?!?!??!!
roselovesice said:Yeah, I know. Same here. I'm so annoyed. Grr.
So my unsure question is....the person who said on Mint (FC)FB that NM2 was "ending" tonight because of politic issues..Did they say it wrong which led to misunderstandings? Like was it already an issue before the person wrote that? Or right after which led to the politicians knowing about it. They too must watch lakorns to know that it causes "a lot" of stuff that makes them look "bad." SMH. Like seriously? Right when it's about to end and when we were just getting to the good parts??! GAHAHHHAHHHHH!!!
so exactly what part is inappropriate for broadcast?! I am so mad right now! they should at least post up the last few episodes on youtube and have dvds for it. I can't believe I'm not going to get to see Mark's ending scene."because it is considered part of the content is inappropriate for broadcast."
DaisyDukes* said:Mark is one of the most hurt by this inequality treatment. He posted "So much effort"...basically he and the staff and everyone else put soooooooooooooooooooooo MUCH effort into the lakorn only to get this mess up treatment! WOW.
Srsly, Medta Mahaniyom staff needs to go protest for justice and equality! NM2 viewers, fans and M&M all NEED to go voice their opinions at the COURT if this so called gov't isn't so CORRUPTED!!! Would that lead to mass shooting due to Thailand's already unstable/corrupted gov't?!?!!??!
M&M and medta staff DID NOT DESERVE this NEGATIVE treatment.