sarNie Oldmaid
Lol I hope your right I'm not giving up on ploy yet.I don't care what any u girls think who's n'ek or who's not but from my reading that the n'ek is both Ploy and Namcha
as i said already that this might be a spirit body that die but then continue to come back alive. I think the title
Pimmala is actually Ploy's character name cos it maybe a telling story of Aum and Ploy but Namcha will replaces her
spirit body i don't know how to explain more to u guys but this is all i can. Cos I've seen the picture of the Novel
itself is a picture of the Pimmala girl there is a mirror in the middle next to its probably the pra'ek back to his body.
If i can pass by the novel pic again i'll post it up.