I was watching ep. 3 on youtube and it seems they cut out the part where Theepope saves Risa.??
Gah I love the way Risa struts down the company corridor like it's a freaking runway, with her evil smirk and all! The beginning of ep 3 had me feeling very ambivalent towards her revenge. It felt childish and lacking jn foresight to start up shit when you know her hate for her dad's family is also her biggest weakness. She is clearly hurt by their current rejection, not only what they did to her and her mom in the past. But then Grace, Ganda, and Grams showed up with their mean manipulative ways, so now I want Risa to knock em all out. Her revenge better be fire. But lordy, Grace ends up with Kamin!? I cannot see the two of them being compatible in any way. IN that case this will become one of those revenge stories where all is forgiven and forgotten. I'm torn between seeing the ladies end up loving and supporting each other (since we so often see women get pitted against one another) and seeing Risa wreak hardcover vengeance!