yups.. omg imma go rewatch the old version.. i thought p au was hott in there... lolstotally agree Moey!!
she's quite funny off screen from the pics in the 3NNT thread if she puts all her playfulness into this lakorn it will be her best so far!
hm..when I first read this, I was like the pa'ek in here sounds so similar to Mark's in 3nnt. LOL but after watching the preview of anne/au, i laugh my a$$ off because it's so hilarious. lolAmeeka/Cha Am(Anne) she's a high class only daughter, bright Uni Student, playful smart
young lady
Phuthun(Au) his a young man handsome governor, hard working young man, his a sensitive
person like to stalk the n'ek to find out her real identity
I like comedy. I havent seen a comedy for a while...lol...I want to see Mark in a comedy for a long time! ^_^ hahana Kat bet you'll be laughing alot since all the other characters are funny too
specially the n'ek drama teacher :coverlaf:
Lols now that i think about it .. Its a mixture of Din and Krit. Din likes to stalk Chaem omg even the name is the same.. lols to find out chaem real identity.. and Krit wells.. iunno he just like to stalk..hm..when I first read this, I was like the pa'ek in here sounds so similar to Mark's in 3nnt. LOL but after watching the preview of anne/au, i laugh my a$$ off because it's so hilarious. lol
I like comedy. I havent seen a comedy for a while...lol...I want to see Mark in a comedy for a long time! ^_^ haha
Yes it's a Romantic Comedy kaWill this be a comedy/Romance lakorn?
yay!! My Favorite! Romantic Comedy. Love it. Totally watching when it air.Yes it's a Romantic Comedy ka
hahah.Yeah,I like it. The Hot Stalker aka Mark! ahha.LOLS Mark stalking Kim is Mark thing. In fact its been his thing since he started. First he was stalking Mint N then Mint C and then Yaya and now Kim . LOLS
We should call Mark .. Mark = The HOT Stalker..
I think I found a new spamming I mean chatting topic.. :loool:
Gosh yeah, he sure does like taking stalkingish roles i mean i would totally not mind if Mark Stalked me, i think i would just stalk him back :coverlaf:LOLS Mark stalking Kim is Mark thing. In fact its been his thing since he started. First he was stalking Mint N then Mint C and then Yaya and now Kim . LOLS
We should call Mark .. Mark = The HOT Stalker..
I think I found a new spamming I mean chatting topic.. :loool:
hhaha.Mark in a hot tuxedo suit stalking his nang'ek will totally be hot.aahh. I can imagine him doing that.hhaha.HAHAHAHAAHAH!!! Mark = The HOT Stalker! LOL
I wish he was truly stalking in a hot tuxedo suit though!!! LOL Then maybe yes, I would be so fulfilled. LOL hahahaha
So far, his roles are the quiet, loving, caring and not to open with this girlfriend, more similar to Mark's real life character. haha =)
I want Mark to be totally laid back, happy, dorky and funny-loving in PCKK!!!
**Kim's roles so far are pretty boring too. She's always portrayed as the mature, older girl. I want her to be in a new and different character.
------Hopefully, PCKK will be totally different for both! I want a straight up romantic comedy! ^_^ haha
Black tuxedo and a mask too.. it sounds like Sailor Moon. ahahaomg. so many versions. lol
i cannot wait for this remake. haha
**yes, Mark will be HOT HOT HOT in a black tuxedo suit stalking his nang'ek! LOL Like Tuxedo mask. LOL =P
I am looking forward to this lakorn. haha =)
I want a more happy lively environment for Mark. hahahaha
hahahahah I hope they do get that creative. LOL hahahah the last time I remember someone being that creative was Mae Khun Eiy, where Kob and Oil dreaming about each other in night gowns and suits, dancing away and shooting each other with rose petals. LOLBlack tuxedo and a mask too.. it sounds like Sailor Moon. ahaha
Since this deals with like acting and stuffs.. they should have MarKim do a play about Sailor Moon then we get to see Mark in a tux. oh that be hott..