Ol.glad that the news is not he is a third hand in ae-anne relationship...lollol Mart is making news to be third hand in Boom's relationship.
tawan chai nai marn mek Boy/TaewWow this thread is in the 200s lol what's airing after this?
no wonder Anne was curious bout that Anne want to find the size....lmao...naughty Anne..^ Woawa....that's one saucy photo Panadda's got there.
I'm say its her too since the killer is a woman and shorter than Paeka/MayLeeI think the killer is khun nai yai! Im going with her.
So this Thursday is the last day? 13th episode?Finale of Qi Pao will be aired this Thurs!
Yes.. 13th episodeSo this Thursday is the last day? 13th episode?