haha this was photoshop huh?lol. but ill be so amazed if he relly did XDCredit ThailandHitz.
Obama is watching Raeng Ngao hahah
omg last nite epi was full of sweetness, super cute between janie and ken, love it !!! so satisfied after last week. janie's v clean, always sending her men to shower (krlj kenT) & kenP haha...love janie's yellow pants outfit, so stylish & chic. love all her unique & beautfiul earrings, hair 2. they such were romantic in the theatre...wish ladyofdarkness was in town...gotta wait til later this wk 4 recap. btw cant stand fake gal...so maddeningOmg today's episode was super cute. Y'all will be excited to watch. Such cute scene between Janie and Ken. Love love loved it!!
Lol. Asy,I'm the same as you. Ken P have make my list as one of actor I like and dislike at the same time.hahahI used to dislike Ken before 3NNT airs, and when it aired, I liked him, after that he was ugly to me, now he starting to grows in me again. He's kinda cute lol.
Oh really. Maybe that might happen here then.hhaha. Well, i can't wait to see the jealousy Veekit. Want to see if Ken P can pull the straight up jealousy drunk guy.Thanks for telling what happened in the old version.Agree everyone waiting for the rape scene. Hey even kane admitted on the show that it was his favorite scene.lol
Veekit seeing that Tha didn't stop messing with his uncle and Pop’s family. He begins following Tha around. He saw her go into a hotel with her boss and thought that she was sleeping around with guys.
One night, Veekit paid Tha a visit and was drunk. A guy was there with her discussing business but Veekit jealousy took his mind in thinking the man and Tha had commit sexual feelings. After the guy left the two disputed. Veekit was not thinking right and he ended up raping Tha. That was from the previous version.