[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


Live Love Laugh
Welcome back Ceci!
You cannot "TAI LEAW!"  yet.   There're still merit to come, OK! Awards, and Robinson the Musical Cruise event for Yadech this month.
cecilia said:
I'm just coming in here to say .. TAI LEAW! They are way way too sweet and cute together! I can't help but be smitten by them days by days! Thanks all for the wonderful update na <3!


Staff member
fresh said:
@Del, it's no problem. And thanks for your sharing. I like that clip too, watched so many times. They always look in each other eyes and know what the other thinking  :heart:  :heart:
@cecilia, are you the admin at Yadech.com? Didn't see you around here as well as at Yadech.com  often. I'm a new member ka
Yes, I am. Sorry na. I've been busy with school and life .. haven't have time to do any updates like how I used to .. will try my hardest to update the forum/site as much as I can ja.  Welcome to the new forum there and here too :)
Vimalee said:
Welcome back Ceci!
You cannot "TAI LEAW!"  yet.   There're still merit to come, OK! Awards, and Robinson event for Yadech this month.
I die every time I see them lol They are bad for my poor heart sometimes lol


Live Love Laugh
Yadech fans need to watch this clip....  :heart: :heart: :heart:   I wished you all could understand Thai.
Nadech thanked Yaya for being his guest, especially for him because he wouldn't let her be anybody's guest......wow, talking about being possessive here.  :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf:
credit jumjim_saijai
It must be the angle, right?

credit as tagged and Ploy Manee's photo album


.: Lady Huo :.
Yadech's performance was: Spectacular, Sexy, Sizzling, Smoking, Sensual, Super, Speechless! There were: LOTS of Skinship & Sweetness, Shaking..., Swirling..., Sparkling..., Shining..., any Spanking?   :lolyup:
That is one HUGE DELEVOPMENT on Nadech's part. In 4 + 1 concert, he said WOW, thanked Yaya for being his guest, said she was very beautiful and said he have never compliment her before, and said she made his  :heart:  beat/pounded fast bup bup bup. And now in this Give Me 5 concert he said "From now on Yaya will receive love from me" & thanked Yaya for being his guest, especially for him because he wouldn't let her be anybody's guest (taken from Mrs.Chum's & Vimalee's posts, thanks Ladies). He is gutsy, declaring like that, Yaya is his lady only, back off other men out there  :ghehe:.  He sure doesn't want Yaya to do any of the moves, actions, dancing, close embraces, etc with any men besides him   :loool:.
@Vimalee, I agree. He is getting very POSSESSIVE lately  :bhehe:
My favorites of the concert, randomly: 
1. "Come to me, Baby" (So happy, that I predicted this) both running toward each other, Yaya jumping into Nadech's open arms and they embracing each other as he twirled her around  :crush: . Nadech must LOVE to carry Yaya UP and TWIRL her around, remind me of TNNKK's beach proposal scene.
2. The tight Yadech hug, they hugged like "there will be no tomorrow hug"  :yahoo:
3. That "almost KISS" close embrace, eyes to eyes, almost MOUTH to MOUTH :wub:
4. Yadech's side hug, Yaya's head was on her shiny knight Nadech's chest  :spin:
5. Nadech pulled off Yaya's long dress, revealing her short skirt, Happily Surprised & Shocked!   :shock2:. If only Yaya would do the same to Nadech on his leather jacket hahaha :drool:.  
6. Daring move - Nadech twirled Yaya upside down  :clap:
7. More, but could not think at the moment  :lol:
I love the song Yadech sang when Yaya still has the long dress on, the performance was Romantic, Lovely and when Yaya's long dress was off, the performance was Sexy and Hot :spicy: and Yaya from being cute to sexy (as someone commented before, I could not remember who?)
Nadech should have complimented Yaya as very beautiful and very SEXY hahaha    :p
Overall, I'm very ECSTATIC!    :cloud9:
:woot2:  :woot:    :drools:    :rockon:   :thumbsup:     :dance1:           :bravo:              :thumbup:    B)    ;)  ^_^    :)  :D  :weee:       :sweat:    :clap2:


.: Lady Huo :.
Thanks  :flowers: to Junyukio, ptenchik, m9saeteurn1, RakLakornNYK, joellove12, autumn21, fea4567, preciouskj, MrsChum, Vimalee, chaitra, fresh, Del Rey, bubba for your shares of photos, translations, videos, comments, news, etc. and to everyone else I forgot to mention.
@Junyukio - I don't think you will get banned for posting many photos as long as you follow the rules of posting photos. I think you could post 3/4 photos then the rest have to be in spoilers. You are on a roll on posting the photos   :thumbsup:.
@chaitra - I am happy you finally comment something, this concert was too difficult to resist not commenting huh? hehehe   :lol:. I hope you are feeling better and I am glad that you are more inspired to finish your fanfiction  ^_^.
Here are the oxygen tanks, come in all sizes to fit everyone's need. Everyone, come and take one for yourself:
Help yourself, as I did because I think the Oxygen Team need to give themselves O2 before they could help us hehehe, right guys? The concert was too breathtaking hehehe  :wink:. Has Everyone come down from cloud 9 yet? LOL   :cloud9:

Guys, I'm afraid currently we don't have any vaccination for the Yadech bug, Yadech fever, Yadech virus, Yadech outbreak hahaha    :lol:.
Could not wait to see what else Yadech has in store for us Yadechers......LOVE THEM.....& LOVE THEIR INTERACTIONS WITH EACH OTHER!!!   :wub:.
Last, I am so tempted to change my avatar to one of Yadech's close embrace photos  :lmao3: .
credits for photo: original owner


sarNie Hatchling
Just can't stop watching the Give me 5 concert videos and looking at the pics :wub: :cloud9: .  :thanks: to all the wonderful sharing and updates here. :weee: :weee: :weee: I have been following everything since the start but the Give me 5 concert had my full spazz attention. :blush:
The merit event is already in movement preparations in Thailand...time really fly when we are having fun. It is difficult to think, to write and making sense....while rewatching this videos. :spicy:
Hope you may feel better soon Chai, but those two culprits for sure helped you na. ;)
:welcome1: back Ceci. Good to know you are well.
Such a great weekend with the Give me 5 concert. :rofl:
Please Ms. Zoe go ahead being crazy in love. :coverlaf: 


sarNie Adult
bubba said:
OMG.....no worry...I'm ok na ka.  Just got up from fainting from Yadech hotness and sweetness overload!!  Where's the oxygen tank when I needed one lol???
Thanks so much to everyone for all the fin and jin pictures, clips, and most of all comments ka. :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
I so agree with all of you lovely ladies, and I'm so proud of Yaya.  Even with her wound, her performance was flawless :thumbsup: .  The concert was a success and Yadech nailed it.  So proud of them.  Can't wait to see more.
Awwww......love this picture and the caption,
"จะบอกเธอวันนี้ เพราะมั่นใจ ฉันรักเธอ.."  "I'll tell you today because I'm certain that I love you...." :heart: :heart: :heart:

Yaya posted this picture and thanked the fans from the bottom of her heart for their supports and
said that she couldn't have done it without them...... :heart: :heart: :heart:

cr:as tagged
@bubba : how to help other YADECHs if we also fainted ....hahahaa


.: Lady Huo :.
Lazydramafan, hahaha Crazy in Love, Yadech danced to Beyoncé's Crazy in Love song in this concert hahahaha. Yes I am crazy in love with them hahaha  :wink:. I wonder if they are currently crazy in love with each other hmmm   :pervie:
Lazydramafan said:
Just can't stop watching the Give me 5 concert videos and looking at the pics :wub: :cloud9: .  :thanks: to all the wonderful sharing and updates here. :weee: :weee: :weee: I have been following everything since the start but the Give me 5 concert had my full spazz attention. :blush:
The merit event is already in movement preparations in Thailand...time really fly when we are having fun. It is difficult to think, to write and making sense....while rewatching this videos. :spicy:
Hope you may feel better soon Chai, but those two culprits for sure helped you na. ;)
:welcome1: back Ceci. Good to know you are well.
Such a great weekend with the Give me 5 concert. :rofl:
Please Ms. Zoe go ahead being crazy in love. :coverlaf:


.: Lady Huo :.
OMG ..... :drools:....I'm speechless........thanks bubba!
We need to have unlimited likes option and nosebleed emoticon hahaha   :scratchhead2:
bubba said:
Pe Ae thanks Yaya for being a guest at the concert.....

cr:pe Ae ig


sarNie Adult
Del Rey said:
Junyukio Thanks for sharing the pictures of them going to make merit! They looks so fresh. 
From one of the IG links that preciouskj shared:
They were singing the song, and the song's lyrics begins with, "Piang kae maung nai dtah gor roo wah rao chaup gun (Just looking in your eyes, I know we like each other)". It's so cute because the crowd screams and cheers, while Yadech look into each other's eyes. :cloud9: And then Yaya starts laughing while Nadech gives his  :pervie:  :pervie:  :pervie: eyes! HAHA SO CUTE!!!! They are so adorable! UUUGHH!! Abusing the replay button!!!

It seems like they performed this song for both concerts then because this link shows Yaya laughing/blushing when Nadech sings the line. There is another video I saw with Yaya not laughing and just starring into Nadech's eyes.
I cannot stop laughing and :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: too hehehehe YADECH are so adorable together
welcome back Ceci !!!


sarNie Juvenile
Thanks Vimalee for the IG link & trans, I ran out of my Likes.
Thanks Zoe for the Oxygen tanks, lucky us their concert & Merit event 're in weekend otherwise I don' t know how to escape from Yadech spell to concentrate on my work.
I love all your comments Zoe and can I add this --> No 8. Nadech already got the very pleased approval of YaYa's parent! Lol.
Wonder how would that both of Dads feel when seeing their children's performance ;)
Some more pics as I got addicted to post NY's pics.

Art of love


Get ready for the next one



.: Lady Huo :.
thanks bubba, Junyukio, and Vimalee for photos of Yadech. Those light brownish and blue green grayish photos are so cool. The effects are awesome. Yadech are like two beautiful beings from some planet and those lights are like stars!