Thanks for clarifying for us all Devotely! Lol.
Charlenem, thanks for the Kerds info! I guess the award will be the day after Nadech's birthday, I hope he gets it! It will be an extra nice birthday present. I don't think Yaya will leave to Norway so soon, especially if it's around her P'Chai's birthday. I'm still soooooo SAD!!! My boyfriend and I were suppose to leave to Thailand around the December 13th and I planned on stalking Nadech around his birthday, but sadly.....things have changed. Due to a current situation in my family (illness), I cannot leave around that time. Since I cannot get a refund back on the plane tickets, we have switched our flight to next August (2014)!!! We are going then for sure, everything is already booked! Anyway, still I wish I can be there to see Yadech in person this year. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Hopefully they won't go overseas by the time I visit Thailand. :cry: Anyway, I guess we also have Weir's mom to thank for introducing Nadech to P'Ae!
Well ladies, enough of my comments for the day. I have to get ready for work, then I have tons and tons of school assignments to do. I will try to come back this weekend! Take care everyone and keep up with the updates and the VOTING!