[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Hatchling
yaya kugimiya said:
hi all
i've read somewhere that nadech had a long interview recently related to current yadech sighting eating together alone in a restaurant....and nadech answered he can live normally and can go out freely anywhere like to restaurants with his love :heart:.....and when was asked if he is dating yaya :heart: he just smiled a lot :heart: ....and then said he has love for his mom  :secret:  :secret:  :secret: trying to avoid the question about nong sao :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9: 
thanks yk for sharing, u've just sent me to   :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:  with this news... i'd love to read the interview if u still remember where u spotted them. even if u dont i'm still happy n content to know nadech did not brush off the 'eating together' and that part where he said "with his love" ... my heart just burst with  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:


sarNie Oldmaid
@key, you're very welcome sweetie and  a big HAK to you too. 

Here's the song  na.  The title is Kae Khun (Just You) by Musketeers.  It's indeed a very beautiful song.
Thank u so much bubba ure so kind. im sorry to trouble u but loving the song 2much ! lua bubba


sarNie Adult
bubba said:
@key, you're very welcome sweetie and  a big HAK to you too. 
Here's the song  na.  The title is Kae Khun (Just You) by Musketeers.  It's indeed a very beautiful song.

More pictures from taluikongtai.....
:heart: :heart: :heart:   Mayumi and Ryo are so cute...........

cr: as tagged
Thank you ja bubba for the pics! Here's the clip to the pics


Cr. Myshowproduction3


Keep On Smiling
@key, you're welcome na ja.   No problem at all my dear.   :heart:  u too.
MrsChum said:
Thank you ja bubba for the pics! Here's the clip to the pics


Cr. Myshowproduction3
You're welcome MrsChum.  But, I can't see the clip so I'll post it again na.
Here's the BTS from Taluikongtai that MrsChum mentioned above.....
cr. myshowproduction3
 And, here are the captions.......



Live Love Laugh
Yadech will be spending time together on Valentine Day, February 14th.........Lays event at CTW - Central World.
Gotta run my girl has a dental appointment, but just wanted to share the great news!  :heart: :heart: :heart:

credit:  NY Home at Pantip FB


sarNie Adult
Thank you @Vimalee for the wonderful news!! :clap: :clap: No wonder I keep on seeing their pics with Valentine word on it.

Cookiies, really appreciate your effort..it's more than what we can ask for!


sarNie Oldmaid
Thank u cookiies for ur time with trans, so much fun watching with understanding.
Thanks alot for the wonderful news vimalee! quite sure lays will create a romantic dreamy vd special!


Live Love Laugh
People are so happy that Yaya finally posted a picture on her IG after missing for five days.    Now we can also add pottery as one of Yaya's talents.  Someone suggested she should put up some of her pieces on eBay so she can raise money for her favorite charities.           Yaya is so so talented...!!!  :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

credit: Urassayas IG