Vimalee I totally agree with you on this one that he wants to look at Yaya more, hehehe. I read somewhere saying that Nadech was so impressed how beautiful Yaya was the first time he met her. During the 3 zaap show he told everyone that he vividly remembers the first time he met her as well.Vimalee said:Thank you so very much Lovely for translating for us. Really appreciated your time and effort na! Even though I can understand but I was more excited for the international and non Thai fans.
Wow, people must stay pretty late to watch this show. It was on at 11:15 pm - 12:15 am the next day Thailand.
They said the girl never forgot her first love, in this case Yaya never forgot her first impression of Nadech. She didn't get to see his face because he was sleeping on the chairs where the models were supposed to sit or put their things down, but she remembered what he wore vividly that day. Wow, this guy still wore flare jeans, hehehehe. Poor Nadech, he must be very tired since he had to take the bus from his hometown Khon Khaen to BKK. He didn't have much money to buy plane tickets then.
Everyone on the set said Nadech was like a monkey because he had so much energy and was all over the place. However, Yadech said both of them were very quiet and didn't talk much when they first met. Awww, Nadech was very shy around Yaya and he also wanted to make good impression on her. :heart: :heart: :heart: He even asked Pa Jaew, the director of DJA during filming, if he could take the DVD home so he could study his acting and tried to improve on that, but I think he wanted to look at Yaya more. :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf:
Neezy said:Ahhhhh, thank you soooo much Lovely! Your translation is awesome and very much appreciated! My favorite part.....
When Nadech realized Yaya was mad at him for two weeks, but he said he only saw her about ONCE during that time! So does that mean they talked to each other regularly through text/phone back then?!!! I mean I'm sure they did but just to hear them confirm it.... :cloud9:
I'm just glad Nadech did what he did, it made them got close a lot faster! Hehehe.![]()
Thank you bubba!' Did she really said that?!bubba said:Hello everyone from cloud9 :cloud9: hehe. Thank you so much Lovely for translating. Your time and effort are greatly appreciated!!! These :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: are for you na ka.
Awww.......Yaya is so beautiful!!!
My Valentine.......From Yaya's heart to pe Nadech, "Pe (Nadech) is everything to me.
MrsChum said:Thank you bubba!' Did she really said that?!
Lovely_k said:Hi Ladies,
Sorry for the wait.... I had lots of stuff to do today but any ways I have Part 1 finished Ill post Part 2 shortly na. Please enjoy and Feel free to correct
Part 1.
Hello Everyone, Is the studio about to burst today??? Are you going to burst??(asking the audience) You have to understand the sweet couple fever of ours that they waited about a month to meet the sweet couple (destined couple). I have to say everywhere I go, People always ask me when are you going to have Nadech/Yaya, Nadech & Yaya. This couple is the kind you hug/pinch your pillow so tight. It’s not just the kind you squeeze your pillow but also one you want to tear your pillow apart. The couple you have all been waiting to see Nadech and Urassaya!!!!!!
Our couple make their grand entrance!!!! (Everyone is just screaming their brains out but I would too hehehe)
Please have a seat. Everyone came filling up the studio. To the point where there is no spot to stand. Ok I am going to start. Lets start slowly. So the first lakorn that started everything is Duang Jai Akanee and now it’s their 4th lakorn together which is Roy fun Tawan Deurd. How do you feel about being the couple that is fiery hot!!! (lol basically super popular).
Nadech: Well were very happy. We want to Thank the Fanclub who is always watching and supporting us always. (he then stutters when he says always) I haven’t done a talk show in awhile.
Kalamare: Is it that you didn’t do a talk show or is it that you haven’t done one with Yaya in awhile….
Nadech: Both of them
K: You guys are sitting a a little apart.
N: Ok( they move in closer) well do what Kalamare says.
C: Do you not take a look at the body language ( they’re trying to face each other)
K: Ok lets ask a question, this is something that the FC wants to know as well. When you first met each other what did you think of each other when you first met?
N: I first met her at the casting of 4 hearts…. I was there for Duang Jai akkanee. I had a chance to meet her there. I remember her with her long hair, she wore a black shirt and skirt. She was a girl….( he’s trying to describe fit and thin with his hands)
K: You remember that much that clearly
N: I remember it perfectly. Her figure was (feminine?)
C: It’s a memory that will always be remembered.
N: She looked very english speaking person(caucasion). So I didn’t dare to talk to her.
K: You were scared that she would speak english to you.
N: Scared that I would freeze up.
Y: I actually saw him before he saw me. There was a fashion week. Where friends(models) would meet. I wanted to set my purse down where the models would sit. (an area specifically for models to wait) . So I was walking and talking to the others and as I was just about to sit and set my purse down.
K: What happened to setting your purse down.
Y: I notice this guy laying down on all 4 chairs so they’re would be no place to put it down. He was sleeping so he didn’t see me. He was wearing Jeans and boots. I remember
K: You remember what he wore. (pointing at Nadech) but you were sleeping
Nadech: I was sleeping I didn’t know what was going on
I want to ask Yaya, from that point that moment during fashion week seeing that guy for the first time was it love at first sight.
Y: I swear I never really looked at his face. I just remember the incident. But if he wasn’t sleeping then I would remember. All I remember was the pants that he wore.
So NAdech you didn’t really have your eyes on Yaya
K: How can he his eyes were closed
No when you guys were walking on the catwalk
N: I thought that she was a younger girl that she was very cute. I really didn’t think too much just because I was with my friends, Mark and Boy during the casting. I didn’t talk or anything so there wasn’t.
K: Like a monkey
Y: No, he wasn’t like a monkey I can remember
N: What else is there,
K: Kimberly came out and said I went and talked to Mark because I couldn’t handle Nadech. He would always be all over the place.
Y: That was the first time we starting to film the lakorn. I remember during the casting how come this person is so quite. He never looked at your face his face would be so solemn.
C: Its just like the lakorn, When they first met They didn’t like each other.
K: At first they’re not each others ideal mate but in the end they loved eachther. Well when you first meet there wasn’t much going on but when you started filming duang jai akkanee did the relationship get better.
N: It was still slow
K: What do you mean you have to act along side each other and you have all these love scenes. why was it still slow.
N: I didn’t know her before the filming so when they started the scenes. the scenes to about 10 takes. To the point where Pa jeaw didn’t know what to do. Our chemistry wasn’t very strong.
Y: I remember, He didn’t talk too much. During the filming I didn’t talk very much and he didn’t talk very much. So we didn’t get a chance to be close. But I did try to ask” How are you?, yes” “Today did you sit in(particular vehicle), yes) that’s all he said.
N: I did talk to her, “ Did you eat?” “Would you like to sit?”
K: That all you asked was what did you eat? So when are you guys going to eat each other? Today did you eat? not yet “so you haven’t ate each other yet.
N: We haven’t ate dinner yet
So after filming for about a month. You still weren’t that close? were you still shy?
N: We were shy when we had to do the scenes. Cause I still didn’t get a chance to have lots of conversations with her
C: I don’t think thats true, because in the lakorn there were lots of cute scenes and love scenes and kissing scenes.
K: Is there a clip.
C: Yes we have a clip
Let’s take a look ( they are watching themselves Im sure they have goosebumps)
Y: I remember this scene vividly ( the underwater scene)
C: What do you mean still you weren’t close
K; Yaya’s mouth was hiding inside NAdech’s mouth for a long time.
N: That’s not true
K: Her mouth was going to melt.
Y: I remember when we came up from the water, we were trying to breath and I had boogers coming down my nose.
K: Weren’t you shy thats alot.
Y; I was shy, I was already shy
K: Were you shy Nadech
N: I was shy
K: His ears are turning red again, Male leads like you are having red ears.
N: Alot of people have them, it’s hot in here
K: Were there alot of takes.
1 take?
N: Two takes, at first they were just doing the angles. But Pa jeaw said No that can’t work so the 2nd take we did the real thing. so Yaya didn’t lose anything
What did you think/ feel filming these kinds of scenes.
N: Let’s move on…let’s on move on first.
What do you mean.
K: It didn’t make you in…(love)
N: I was shy, scared. It was kissing each other on the lips so yah. ya….
Y: For me before we were going to film the scene
K: hold on its not just his ears his face is red and so is his neck.
When you are filming you need a sense of feeling when you are going to do those kind of shots in order for you to do pull it off. Yaya do you have that sense of feeling?
Y: before, I was reading the script, I was thinking awww(shy) I have to do these kind of scenes. I had to get that tfeeling out of my system before I went to set
K: You were thinking about it all the time.
Y: I was always prepared to do that
K: Did you prepare too
N: I prepared my heart. When you are filming and you have to love this girl. You have to have sense of love in order and if I have to love this girl I have to love her for real.
K So do you love her for real then??
Lovely_k said:Here is Part 2 Enjoy Ladies!!! Ill post part 3 soon
Part 2:
N: It wasn’t to that degree. It was like a brother taking care of a sister.( he never said brother but its like saying a close older friend)
Ok so it was like that feeling then. So next lakorn was Game rai game ruk. You became alot closer. Your feeling did it change(from brother and sister to lover)
N: Um well I became to care and was more concerned for her more. When knowing each other I realized that she was really sweet, her personality was good and working with her was easy. and the more we were filming it was fun and enjoyable.
K: The chemistry was better and it matched up.
Y: Actually when we first had a casting. I realized “ Hey how come when I work him that the chemistry is easy.
K: You realized right away (Pointing to Yaya)
Y: From the beginning
K: She realized, Did you realize anything, did you realize?
N: If I say, It’s not going to be correct
K: So its a feeling that you can’t explain,
N: Yes
K: But its something you realize inside( in your heart)
N: Something that Yes I can be friends with. We meet so that we can be friends
Kalamare gets up. She says its because he said friends.
C: So secondly, the love scenes they have gotten more intense.
K: It’s more mature and more adults. Were you force to sleep with each other.
C: You had to do this from your heart?
Y: I, had to do it.
K: Hold on, were you shy when you had to do this? did you forget the feeling(caring)
N: This was fun filming Game rai Game ruk
K/C: We meant the love scene
Y: About this issue, Filming Love scenes, It’s not like I’m worried about my body. For this particular lakorn It’s like this they are young kids and she can’t remember anything except that she loves this boy. She is always ready to show that he is the one she loves. So for when its ready to do a love scene He is ready and we apologize to each other.
What was the feedback for this lakorn?
N: During the flood. When they watch they watched inside. so when I helped out in the flood people were like saichon you didn’t ask for Nang fah to come with you. Some small kids they acted like Nang Fah. Nang Fah was like a girl who didn’t have very much so they were like I am nangfah, Nang fah who was saichon lover.
They were teasing him about his hand gesture and kalamare was like please none of that.
K: So for this lakorn are you still shy?
N: Yes we were still shy, but we talked alot, saying that this is our job and so things well continue to be good.
Y: This was something I was more shy about than the first time.
C: How come?
Y: Every scene we are really close theres a lot of touching, I just started knowing him, From the first it was two strangers then it was two people who know each other and its like he’s like this.
K: Was he more worried/ cared for you alot more?
Y: It’s in his nature always.
K: So what did he do
Y: Theres lot’s of things, he doesn’t have to say but he looks around at alot of people. So he looks to see oh he has water she has water. He doesn’t ask if I want to have a drink of water he just hands it to me.
K: He doesn’t always to this everyone on set
The host is just telling a story about the time she was at a fashion show and how she was looking for a chair and it just appeared and Nadech actually just set it down for her.
K: That was because you were in charge or (higher up)
C: Nadech and Yaya have this fan club called Ny and how they like both of them together It’s not just one likes Nadech or one likes Yaya its they like both of them.
Kalamare is just explaining how N is for Nadech and Y is for Yaya and she wants to know who started the NY craze and couple kinship.
The fan said that she started to really like Yaya first. She was really sweet and She liked her from the first time at school. The fan thought that hmm wow this girl is very proper yet she is english and she was raised very well. and from seeing an event Nadech was there and she started to like them both. From duang jai akkanee the chemistry was very good and so from then on they shipped them as a couple.
Kalamare was saying how there is so many NY fans who still are not able to come here today. How is that, you all are Ny Fans?
Fan: Truthfully we have the same reasons why we like this couple. We know eachother from going to their events. and so a lot of us decided now we have an opportunity to create a Facebook and do lots of other stuff.
Kalamare: How come when they have a small or big event you fans are always there. and How do you know their schedule
Fan: We get the news from Nadechworld and so we are able to cheer and support them at each event
Kalamare: When you go to an event and so after do you ever wonder oh where are they going now??
Fan: Yes there is
Kalamare: Where else do you go and meet them
Fan: I see them at the temple (merit events), studio, after photoshoots. We wait after they are done.
Kalamare: Do you ever see them go out like to see a movie
Fan: You’ll have to ask them
Nadech is so cute when he gives them the sign hinting what a perfect answer!!!
C: Lets go back to our couple. So when you act in alot of lakorns together you are bound to get closer. but truthfully Nadech has a technique to flirting.. ooh sorry not true I mean technique to become closer (friends)
N: Oh I tease I like to tease more so.
K: Before you can really love each other you have you tease each other first. What have you gone through.
Y: Everything that you can think of he has done. He has made me fall down alot.
They show how he does it with Yaya.
N: This is light too
Y: Ya this is way lighter or softer then he’s ever done.
K: What else has he done.
Y: Letting air out (farting)
K: You Love them so you fart on them
This is what happens when your close, Have you ever token revenge on him?
Y: In My head I had my revenge where he is on the floor crying
K: Only in your head, oh i have sympathy for you, You can go only as far as thinking it?
Y: I want to do it but Im afraid that if I do it hell get be back even worse.
What have you wanted to do in your head
Y: Everything that he has done to me, Make him fall
So let’s do it, So they get Yaya to make Nadech fall the same way he did to her a minute or 2 ago. It was cute she asked if it hurt him he said no didn’t hurt and she’s like shucks.
K: What else has he done? We want to know?
Y: There is one time, He did something and I got so angry at him, I was really mad to the point that I didn’t talk to him for 2 weeks