Hi! awesomedua
If you wish to download some of the RFTD Ost just go to
lynnyang shared and posted on July 31, 2014. First one to post RFTD Ost songs here was Del Rey. :bopping:
To listen to all the songs of Rising Sun ost online you may go to
rakyadech posted the links for it there.
5. Laew rao ja dai rak gan mai : Nadech & Yaya (OST Roy Fun Tawan Deud) is the one you are looking for and Nadech's version has a MV posted by
Lovely_k to you. I don't know if you can listen on your phone, do hope you can hear it soon.
That is Nadech singing Long Rak Loei ( Falling In Love ). Long Rak Loei is a song for a RSU short movie project of 2013 and that movie won a prize in a festival too. Nadech stars in it with Saipan, sings the ost song and did some other things too. You may see the official MV for it with eng subs at UrassayaSubteam Yaya Youtube channel. Rsu Project: Long Rak Leuy is available with eng subs at RSUFILM YT channel. If someone is interested on this just copy and paste: หลงรักเลย [FULL HD 30min.] [ENG-SUB] on Youtube seach.
Nadech sings the same song twice on RFTD OST - one version with Yaya and the other one by himself.
:welcome: fresh, annywong and all that stop by on RFTD thread + please feel :welcome1: all the silent readers as well.
Hi! chaitra
Last time I read anything about Yaya's movie news rumors was on january of this year from ceci at Yadech.com. The news said that the script was being written, but nothing was confirmed yet for Yaya presence in the movie as far as I know. Ch. 3 has to give permission for Yaya to do the movie anyway and as she is currently filming two lakorns and did not finish college yet...I am not impatient to know more now, but of course curious sometimes.

Personally, I am more worried with Nadech and Yaya's health filming RFTD in a rush together with their other activities like events, cms, photoshoots and so on. Also it seems that they are still filming actions scenes so my fingers are cross for everything to end up well with everyone safe, healthy and without injuries.
Hi! taytay702
Congrats at your perfect post of Special Scoop One Fine Day With NY episode 3 and thank you very much for it. :toast: I am low tech so really familiar with don't know if it will work out....by the way after Nadech teasing Yaya with a doll of all things (when he himself is afraid of ghosts), well do think that it is safe to say something like unconditional love among them

opcorn: since afterwards on that same day Nong Ya said in the NYtogether game video that P'Nadech to her was so handsome. She really forgives him fast. :coverlaf:
Hi! Vimalee
About Laew rao ja dai rak gan mai song being for Nadech, come on is a never ending discussion, please remember TNNKK Ost songs and it is the same song writer so

for sure Ryu's feelings song and some of Mayumi's ^_^ that probaly just happens to be open for associations :huh: or interpretations :blink: related to Yadech. :scratchchin: Well at least I tried to be rational about it. Ryu and Mayumi are totally alive to me :drool: and Rising Sun watching lifestyle is on. I am finding hard to prepare myself for them to say good bye to each other. :tearybye: Even though, I know they will meet again after seven years... :scarytv:
The teaser of the RFTD teaser and BTS looks awesome, thank you very much Bong Mao, Lovely_k and Vimalee. Alike thoughts also counts. :grouphug:
Pajaew talking about Nadech Yaya with eng subs
Ryu and Mayumi dancing BTS with eng subs
Ryu introduction with eng subs
Credits to Nadech@Pantip