[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


`my dragon's blood is blue`
I just watched their 3 zaap appearance. I think that each RS part should have had their own segments. I wanted Yadech by themselves and TaewO by themselves so I can fin their koo-jin to the maxxxxx!
Here's some cute shots:


Lol @ Yaya's expression :)
credits as tagged. i.e. f/Pantip


Live Love Laugh
@MrsChum, @chaitra, @Lovely, @Key, @huanzhu and everyone, thank you so much for your kind words and concern.
We are okay.   Yes, I did felt the earthquake at 3:25 am this morning.   We live about 40 miles away from the Napa Valley where the earthquake hit - 6.0.   I live in the bay area and have felt the earthquake many times.   It is a very nice area, close to major employment centers, fairly nice weather, abundant amenities, and good school districts.  We were very fortunate to move into this area many years ago when the housing was still affordable.      We've run into Kristy Yamaguchi and her lovely family several times at the restaurant near our house.


sarNie Adult
Thank god you and your family are ok Vimalee :thumbup: . Many of us were actually worried when we dint see a post from you for the whole day. Have a good day. 
Time to sleep, have a great day ladies :) :clap:


Live Love Laugh
@Lovely, thank you again for sharing the translations, pictures, MVs, and clips.   I'm with you.  I'm a little bit disappointed with 3 Zaap this time, but I understand where the show was coming from.
@MrsChum, thank you na kha for the link to watch the show live.   This was the first time I watched Thai show live and like you, I stayed up late to watch the show last night.   I think the behind the scenes and pre recording were more fun and exciting.  They edited out a lot of cute moments, and I really missed Kalamare.  She wasn't there this time.  Kalamare is a very engaging and entertaining host.   She is not afraid to ask personal questions, but also knows the limit and knows when to stop.  
I don't think they have enough materials to have two shows: one for Mario/Teaw and one for Nadech/Yaya.   Good grief, they even added Nadech's wake boarding segment.   He is very good though and it seems like he was having a lot of fun.   I think Yaya finally gave in and went to wake boarding with him and Henry.
They didn't discuss much about RFTD because I think they wanted to give RRHLT equal times since Nadech and Yaya got to sing their duet.   Kalamare was not there so we didn't get to have many Yadech Jin and Fin moments, but then we also have Mario and Teaw there too so we don't want them to feel left out for not being teased off screen together.
Teaw already have a boyfriend outside ET for nine years and their love is still going strong; Mario doesn't have anybody right now and is more into cars and motorcycles so fans cannot ship them off screen.  
Nadech confirmed that he and Yaya will have merit together on October 26th, a day after the Give Me Five concert, in Udon province where Mae Keaw and Nadech offered scholarship to a young lady to attend the beauty vocational school.
Here's some of my favorite scenes that didn't make the cut.
Yaya gave Nadech encouraging words and gestures when Nadech couldn't sing the high notes.

Always taking care of his nong sao....


credit as tagged and NY CLUB FB


sarNie Adult
Good to hear that your ok Vimalee. My husband was working in Fairfiled at the time. So it was a big shake where he was. I'm thankful that's he's ok and made it home safe...


Keep On Smiling
Hello everyone and hope you all have a wonderful weekend na ka.  It's so good to be back home!!!  Sure miss all of you lovely ladies mak mak ka, and  thank you all for the updates na ka.  I sure need catch up hehe.
Here are some BTS pictures......Yadech sure have lots of fun!!!
Nadech was so IN that Yaya was deafened by his painful scream.  No wonder Mayumi was tearing because her ear hurt lol.....

Always helping nong sao.....

cr:as tagged


sarNie Oldmaid
Its wonderful to have you back bubba,not for trans related articles but just reading your posts/greetings I♥ your co ! Hope you have a nice Sunday.
Yadech were so into their roles, epic for that scene ! So glad was a bad dream. Looking forward to lots more of their lovey doveys.


Keep On Smiling
@key, thank you my dear.  It's wonderful to be back na ka. :heart:
Yep, thank goodness that we're all doing fine after the earthquake.
Yaya is gorgeous.......


Awww......So much love and support from nong sao...... :heart: :heart: :heart:

cr:as tagged,a_tiwakorn &csaob


sarNie Adult
So Ladies,
Host Ma: In Real life do you want to get married like this ( Japan Style)
Nadech: Real life, will be much better, I want to get married by the sea, on the beach.
Chompoo: Have you discussed this with Yaya yet?
Nadech: .... She can organize it...
Host Ma: Getting married involves organizing it to.
Nadech: That's not right
Chompoo: No, You have to do what pleases the bride Ma
Host Ma: Do you wanna get married on the beach? Yaya?
Yaya: I got married Japanese style and I got married Thai style... I don't know, I haven't thought about it.
Host Ma: Indian Style?
Yaya: That would be good (Nadech nodds) 
Nadech: That would be good
Nadech: After the ceremony you get to dance...
Host Ma: The duration of the ceremony/ reception is 7 days and 7 nights
Nadech: 7 days and 7 nights, then that means 7 children.. (hehe)
Host Ma: There is news you don't tease Yaya as much,
Nadech: Its a lot less but I will try to drive her crazy
Yaya: When I'm trying to practice he will do this ( sticks out his tongue) But now he has teased me a lot less than normal
Host Ma: How come, does he feel bad?
Yaya: I'm alot quicker (quick response, good comebacks)
Host Ma: do you do it back?
Yaya: No I don't do it back, Im afraid he's going to do it worse. Ill just smile back... and say Pe are you having fun...
Nadech: No if I tease her too much it goes a little to far. 
Yaya: Now isn't the time to tease.
Nadech: I tease alot of ppl all the time, I forget what they are doing...
Host Ma: Do you get mad at him
Yaya: There is alot of times, but I don't get mad for long. (I quickly forgive him).
Host Ma: Explain why
Yaya: Cause were close. 
Host Ma: Close, This is what you always say


sarNie Adult
Thank you everyone for the sharing. Esp,thank you Lovely for the translation. Eventhough there's not much to jin/fun about in 3zaap but I'm very happy just to have something to watch of Yadech.


sarNie Hatchling
Hi everybody !!! I Hope you have a great WE!!
Hope that everybody in CA are safe!!!

Thank you so much @lovely_k !!! Can not wait the rest !! Oh love nadech n yaya !!!! They are so cute!!

Thanks ladies for your pix, vidéos...

Only 3 more days hehe