here's another yadech mini fin fan fiction
lets'go back to DJA days
REPORTER:nadech you and yaya are becoming hot and popular on cam sweetheart is there any chance for you and yaya to become real life lovers?
NADECH:hmmm (smiles) me and nong yaya are just siblings and we never thought of that we are still young we are focus in our studies and career
YAYA:same here we are still young and still studying and busy with career.
REPORTER:but what can you say when people are cheering for both of you to become real life sweethearts.
NADECH:me and nongsao are thankful to all the FC who are supporting us
REPORTER:nadech being with yaya everyday and you always have love scenes with her dont you become attracted to her?

laughs)...as i've said we are just are just brother and sister..and i really dont deserve her she cant talk much in thai and me i am not good in English hehe

in her mind...nadech is really a humble guy not only handsome)
after the short interview yadech left alone together and talk casually about the reporter"s question about them becoming a real life couple at first nadech was really intimidated at yaya's beauty that looks like a foriegner and a bit shy opening the topic about themselves.
NADECH:nong sao how are you are you not irritated every time people are cheering for us.
YAYA:no not at all...i am glad they like us together in a lakorn
NADECH:good from now on we will be not just kookwan but siblings..is that fine with you since i am the only child in the family.
YAYA:sure anyways my brothers are all in norway so its ok for you to be my brother.

in his mind...wow this girl is not only beautiful but also kind and easy to be with....but i promise to myself not to fall in love with her my career and my studies are my priority)
YAYA:hey p chai what are you thinking why suddenly you become quiet.
NADECH:i just remember something about my school projects(he is shy so he pretended to think about school)
YAYA:if it is anything related to english I can help you..i will help you anytime i can just tell me.

wow this girl is really amazing and she's offering her help to someone like me from the province...this girl is challenging me..i said to myself not to fall in love...no no i dont think so this is not love but only admiration cause shes really kind)
as days go by yadech are becoming very popular because of their amazing chemistry in DJA more events products endorsements together and popularity awards yadech were unbeatable.nadech remains humble and yaya was impressed with nadech's humility..people surrounding them are teasing them that they are sweet hearts off cam as well even the LOM GANG specially boy pakorn is always teasing nadech to yaya.

whispered to nadech)....hey bro you are very lucky you always have skinships with yaya in DJA filming not to mention the real kisses underwater..wow you hit the JACKPOT i am so jealous in wayupak montra no sknships and kisses like yours its really unfair(laughs)
NADECH:ssshh dont be loud(nadech was blushing and felt shy)
BPAKORN:i caught you nadech you are BLUSHING look at yourself on the mirror you are BLUSHING(laughs)
NADECH;shut up this is my natural color if its hot like summer time
yaya suddenly called nadech...while boy smiles at him

nadech let us rehearse our script.
after the filming nadech could not sleep thinking of how boy pakorn teased him to yaya

in his mind...what if i fall in love to yaya...i hate this feeling i really want to hit p boy for teasing me)
yaya is also thinking of nadech about their short interview
they had that day

in her mind....i am so lucky to have p nadech as my p ek he is a nice guy humble though he is like a monkey hehehe very hyperactive...i really want to help him in his english school projects just my appreciation for being nice to me though sometimes he is teasing me for my poor thai language)
TO CONTINUED i'm sleepy already.....sweet dreams to all :coverlaf: