Happy Easter to all NYers :flowers: :flowers:
I was away for a week and now I'm back

Can't miss the super fin interview from Nadech :heart:
Thanks to @lovefactually for translations
Komchadluek 4 April 2015 "Superstar's life"
Q: Over 5 years in showbiz, Nadech's life changes alot
N: Changed? I don't feel change, I am still Nadech Kugimiya but more people know me. I've never thought that I'd be known and loved by these lots of people. My life goes on. At the very beginning, it's entertaining to do&see new things I've never done before.
Q: If not in showbiz last 5 years, how is your life?
N: I'd be as general teenager, i've no chance to experience new things as currently. I'm proud to be in this position, grown up to be main of my home earlier than my age. I can take care my family members, this can't be replaceable if I'm not in showbiz. This is for myself and my family in the future.
Q: Is it burden to be FCs' superstar?
N: It's not burden at all. I'd be Nadech, who people know, when I work. When I go home, I'd be a teenager at 23 as any others. I should be proper in working time but I could be crazy during off-work. People might think I have to lose lots of things to be in showbiz but it is worth exchanging when it's very easy for me to understand life.
Q: People say like Nadech unreachable
N: I'm not egoist. When I'm in the limelight, I'd be seriously blamed when I do wrong things. My today has both beloved and be-hatred ones. I get used to but I've never been angry anyone who hate me. It's very easy to let myself on to create happiness. There're lots of good things in my head, just laugh and don't seize unhappiness.
Q: How do you handle bad things?
N: I'd do happy activities eg. singing, watching funny clips,
being with my beloved one&family&friends who support and cheer me up. Like my parents, they can advise me from experienced ones' perspective. Sometimes as a adult, they let me decide, learn, and teach me when it's wrong. {Continued with "Nadech's Confidential Love" in previous 2 Instagrams}
@keaw_jung #nadech #nadechyaya #nadech_yaya #nadechkugimiya #nyfc credit:
Nadech Interview in Komchadluek Newspaper 3 April 2015 related to NY Trans//
Q: Is it true that Nadech's love must be strictly confifential?
It's not confidential, people've known. (laugh)
I've not hidden but it'd be disclosed at appropriate level. In the future, we would still have some more things to do and face some more experiences. It should be calmly approached.
Like chicken stock, slowly cooked would rather be more delicious.
Q: What should Nadech-Yaya's status be called?
N: I won't specify but I don't mind what others call because no matter I specify our status, others might mention any others. Therefore, I don't answer this question now but I can respond the question
how I feel with Nong(Yaya), I'm happy.
Q: Some people might want to see Nadech-Yaya's relationship openly stated as same as Mark-Kim, How does Nadech feel?
N: I think it's crystal clear in different style. We all 4 are close. Anyway, this matter is individually different view.
Q: Today what is Nadech's view on love matter?
Currently my view to love is great, love makes us younger, be silly sometimes, dare to do crazy things occasionally, wanna explore new things. Plus, love can make us be happier.
The most important aspect of love is supporting, discussing what's going on, sharing good and bad occurrences in our lives, caring, and understand each other.
This is superstar's life as Nadech Kugimiya
==> Can we consider Na's confessing his relationship :heart: Guess who is his 'beloved one'?
Fan is teasing him about 'chicken soup' :bhehe: And according to Chinese year, Yaya was born in 'chicken' year (1993) ka :bhehe:
Na's cooking his chicken soup for more than 5 years already. We can see it has more flavoured now lol