[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


Hi all

NY are together today for another magazine photoshoot.....sorry I can't post any pictures I don't know how using my tablet.

Congratulations to our babies NY for the win

Nadech got another adapted girl pet a cat name YeNNY


Done rewatching TNNKK last chapter.......still gives me butterflies I love it when athit ask darunee to have more decendants and to deliver the baby of his own wife.......haay NY what have you done to me to become crazy over you lol.......I hope NY next lakorn together will be excellent more fin and more skinships better than RS and perfect storyline and perfect script.and my delusional REAL KISS lol


Keep On Smiling
Good morning/night everyone and thank you all for sharing na ka.
Congrats to Yaya for all the awards she received so far this year ........
1. TV3 Fanclubs awards  
2. KLC awards  
3. Daradaily Hot Girl awards   
4. TV Societychannel Truelife awards  
5. Kazz awards
