while in changmai the :heart: lovers :heart: are busy communicating via sms :scratchhead2: :heart: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: loud and clear yadech cant stop holding their mobiles(sorry my delusionals) :coverlaf:
:heart: yadech :heart: meet up today at this yoga gym :heart: with some cover up friends to deny that they are in fact dating :heart: :coverlaf: margie and yaya are neighbors maybe this gym is also near their condos.
let us go to :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:
@yk, glad you were able to post the photo of NY at the gym. Wait for me, I am coming up to :cloud9: with you too, anyone else?
We will wait for you :dance2:.
Lol...looks like Na is showing off his hairy legs & what is on his forehead? Oh wait, it helps with his bangs from bothering him so I guess his new hair accessory .
Here is the photo coming up without the texts
Cr to original owner & Repost from bubbles8's post from Home of NY translated news & randomness
at the yoga gym today :heart: i remember arthit with milk on his mouth darunee wiped it for him but i dont see it as arthit and nee but Yadech themselves :heart: :heart: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf:
I think NY also did some rock climbing with aerial yoga too. NY getting some food & drinks together :dance2:. I read that Na's rock climbing photo was released out to IG first then Ya's rock climbing photo was released right afterward from Ya's IG. I think we all know loud & clear who released Na's photo on IG from keaw_jung IG :coverlaf:.
So it was a towel on his forehead .
A happy face of Na when he got to spend time with his Nong Ya. Do excuse his mustache; He is on :cloud9: :coverlaf:. I am thinking Ya took it after/while they were eating the food & drinks they bought together :scratchhead2:.
Cute mustaches. The photo above I think was the photo Ya sent out a Happy Birthday wish to Na a few years ago.
Cr to original owners & as tagged & hanata_ashi IG for last photo
yadech must have missed each other so after the aerial yoga they went to indoor rock climbing.... :heart: :heart: :heart: another alibi to stay together longer :wub: :cloud9: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: we all know the rock climbing gym is just around the corner of yaya's condo my delusional mine said barry took some rest at yaya's place to avoid scandal news barry's personal assiatant is with them and mae pla is there too :coverlaf: i remember my NYmini finfanfiction let us all imagine yadech are alone in yaya's condo :coverlaf: :censor: because they missed each other so much :coverlaf:
indeed NY REAL LIFE events are more fin :heart: than on cameras....i love it when yaya open her mouth towards nadech :heart: she gives butterflies to her man :heart: so loud and clear :secret: :coverlaf: :coverlaf: i dont know behind lock doors if yadech can still resists :coverlaf: :censor: nadech is just a man a human being with animalistic needs ervie: :censor: :coverlaf: :lmao3: sorry for my crazy word i am just being carried away it's yaya's fault for being naughty flirting her bf that way :wub: :coverlaf: yaya wants to have a baby soon you can see her mother instinct on the picture....i cant blame yaya having a bf like barry one of a kind and almost perfect :coverlaf: :cloud9: is always fully occupied with NYers :scratchhead2: :coverlaf:
yaya kugimiya - That picture isn't new....it is from 2012 when Yadech and their mothers went to USA in that Lays promotion for fans. Breakfast picture if I am not mistaken. Today Yaya is filming Tonight Show with some NNS cast members and I think Nadech is filming TKRJ.
Mrs. Zoe - Just a thought about the VicBig 3 pictures...maybe not the angle degrees of the picture....but probably the angle of the person who took the picture...I thought your comment was funny about that. I am not talking serious...just in case it may look like that....lol
And about shifting threads, do respect each person rhythm and feelings about it. Every lakorn thread has its own history though.... and some things may depend on each person sensibility and interpretations too. In my humble opinion Asianfuse lakorn threads aren’t for daras fans only, but for lakorn watchers and viewers in general too.
in my opinion i will wait for the new lakorn of yadech i will be more active here in the mean time but i will still visit and support the new thread of yadech but not as active as here...but as soon as the filming will start i will be active there :scratchhead2:
"Nadech" getting fit to win "Yaya" heart. (Right?)
Apart from handsome face that attract all women, ladyboy and every gender at any age. Lately, "Nadech" body is getting more attractive. It's seem like the more he's in love the more he's fit ha ha. We don't know why lately he getting fit and firm. Might be because he planing to show the fit figure to "Yaya" for sure. Even though he go to the gym to get stronger. People still gossiping about his asthma condition. Ok, we don't care who say what. Just see Nadech's figure my lags are shaking. Ummm it's look really delicious.
Are these 2 ladies one person? Barry Barry...cat like gesture sorry will not help you this time :coverlaf:, the mattress serves as a bathtub :scratchhead2:. Thanks for sharing @yaya kugimiya!
lol...I think I mentioned about the photos' rotations twice. I also look at the stage's words in the photos & they are backwards therefore I questioned if the photos were rotated lol.
This is so overdue but better late than never. It is about that one creation I made last year for NY's perfume/cologne ad . Below in brackets are your comments. I think Dior perfume J'adore is for women, men have their own cologne kind. It does seem like a perfume ad, Yaya is the main spokesperson & Na is the model helping her :coverlaf:. A perfume ad that tell already taken men to buy the perfume for their women , I like how Ya has her hand on Na's face, a very close embrace ervie:. I made the perfume bottle with that size because I did not want it to block NY's faces hehe... :scratchhead2: Ya applies perfume on her neck? I did not know this. With NY that close in photo, Na would surely smell the perfume fragance on her :coverlaf:...the smell of your scent...reminds me of what Ryu said to Mayumi :coverlaf: :blush: :spicy:. Your comments are funny, it brought smiles to my face . Thanks for your detailed comments :flowers:.
Lazydramafan said:
Mrs. Zoe - Just a thought about the VicBig 3 pictures...maybe not the angle degrees of the picture....but probably the angle of the person who took the picture...I thought your comment was funny about that. I am not talking serious...just in case it may look like that....lol
P.s. this photo was not included inside NY's marie claire magazine edition
Cr - marie claire magazine & Dior perfume, no copyright infringement intended
[Ms. Zoe - I am sorry for my ignorance in these things but Dior's perfume j'adore is supposed to be for both men and women? That picture doesn't make it clear to me, I am slow to these things though. :fanfic: If it is for both do think that picture of Yadech in Marie Claire sends a quite interesting and attractive message almost like please look the other way so that we can sniff each other. :blush: :spicy: Really hot choice. But if it is only for women, that second cover of Marie Claire when Barry is with his eyes closed would come into my mind more, especially not knowing if the perfume is for both or not. If I knew is a just for women perfume your choice would work well for me too, because it would be like she won't let him even try to resist her though they are in public eyes watch...as for a men perfume it could work as well but I wouldn't guess fast....and the picture + the design of the perfume would made me think that's basically for already taken men, not for men that women are trying to attract or catch for themselves. Your choice to put the perfume between them made me think of relationships, not only because of Yadech. The fact that Yadech are your models makes your size photo of the perfume interesting for those that know where Yaya applies perfume so that when fans hug her....ok do have to stop now.... sweating hug interference from Give me 5 concert in mind.... :ghehe: . Did try to give you a feedback though. :blush: ]
Are these 2 ladies one person? Barry Barry...cat like gesture sorry will not help you this time :coverlaf:, the mattress serves as a bathtub :scratchhead2:. Thanks for sharing @yaya kugimiya!