Hello my fellow Yadechers... I know I have been MIA...blame it to my work schedule

I am going to post an update and will be the last one. Next will be chapter (23) which is the bath scene on yadech.com translated by poopam...
I rush thru this update and please forgive my grammar...
Love you all... and BIG HUGs!!! :wub:
Dr. Hara allowing the police to interviewed Ryu two days later, which gave Ryu enough time to prepare the speech with Masato the family’s lawyer. When Yuji came in to interrogate, the information he got was hardly different from what he already knew.
Yuji returned with disappointment when Ryu has no doubt and did not say the incident was the work of Miura like he expected and tried to convince. Instead Ryu gave details of the gunmen and the car that was used and didn’t provide any more comments or opinions. It’s more like testifying for the incident that night only and that is not what Yuji wants…
Ryu knows that Yuji left with disappointment and he never came back again. Meanwhile, news of his injury slowly dwindles. A week later, Ryu’s condition improved and doctor allows him to return home, but he was not yet allow to work strenuously because it will cause the wound to inflame again. Therefore, he exercises by walking around the house in the morning and late afternoon and refuses to lie down and stay still as the doctor ordered. His work was brought to him to sign by his secretary. As for the meeting part, he let Koji take charge as the president instead of him at all times. Also today, his company will hold a meeting on expanding the maritime routes to small-sized country and to extend coverage to the port outside the city near the opening of new industries, which the meeting will have to consider opening offices in such city as well.
He believes that there is no objection to the new project and he is waiting anxiously to hear the meeting results from Koji while strolling in the garden in the evening and until nearly nightfall, but Koji did not come, until he saw Mayumi’s car drove into the parking garage. He walked close by to wait for her
“Oww” Mayumi greeted when she saw Ryu standing in the garden instead of sitting in the house, so she went straight to him “why are you standing right here? The air is also starting to cool down”
“I’m here waiting for uncle Koji, thus far, he has not yet come” Ryu answered wearily
“Ah I see, if so let’s go in the house and wait there. The cool air out here will cause pain to your wound” she walks toward him to assist by support his arm. His bodyguards then step away and leave Mayumi to supports their master into the house on her own. The telephone rings as soon as they step inside. Kazuo who stood waiting for his master inside went to answer the call before he exclaimed loudly
“What? All three of them?”
Ryu stood still, listening and met Kazuo’s eyes with dread
“Got it, I will tell Oyabun right now”
Once done, he hang up the phone and turned to tell Ryu that waited anxiously
“The three senior leaders were ambush on the way home Oyabun”
“Oh no” Mayumi raises her hand to cover her chest with shocked
“Anyone hurt?” Ryu immediately asked
“Err…” Kazuo avoids Ryu’s stare when he reports “Kazuma-san died before he reach the hospital. Masato-san and Koji-san both are in severe condition and already have been delivered to the hospital!”
Ryu was very stressful after hearing what had happened to his men. They immediately went to the hospital even though Ryu is still not fully recovered. Although at first Mayumi begged him to stay home and wait for the news but he refused. At last, they came to the hospital together. If they have sat waiting for a long time in front of the operating room then the doctor came out and said the surgery has gone smoothly. But both senior leaders’ symptoms will have to be watched closely after the operation, which is possible Koji might not survive because he has been shot many round and the one shot that most concern is the shot to his head. Doctors have to do open skull surgery when there is a piece of metal fragments buried inside and he also loses a lot of blood while he was being sent to the hospital. While Masato is not as severe as Koji but both are still considered not safe yet
Ryu went home with worried mind when he received a report that several of his members died in the ambush. Masato was lucky that his subordinate rushed in and used his body to shield him, and his subordinate became a victim instead of him. While Kazuma was shot unexpectedly, the bullets landed on significant points therefore he pass away while being brought to the hospital. Koji himself was also caught off guard if the skill of the former bodyguard was good enough to avoid the bullets that hurl toward him like rain stream. He set up fortress and retorted together with his subordinates until the other party withdraw and depart. But the consequence is that there are several rounds of bullets buried in the body of the determined elderly bodyguard. If his large body falls down as soon as he knows the other party retreated.
“Uncle Koji is a strong person. Doctor said the surgery has gone well, I believe he would have fared better after the blood transfusion. Soon he will be off the danger list” Mayumi comforts Ryu while helped support him lying down late that night. Both came home and it was nearly midnight, Ryu’s weary body could hardly stand any longer. His pale face tells that he is exhausted if he still determined to support himself until returning home. Mayumi then quickly prepare his bed and brought cloth to wipe his face and hand him the medicine to take.
Ryu still staring at the ceiling, he keeps thinking about the incident
“This time Misawa has gone too far, he clearly insults Oneshika”
“The police have not concluded who did it” Mayumi argued
“What they did this time cause a lot of injuring or might even death to their people. I let Kazuo represents uncle Koji. I ordered him to find the wounded and the corpses of the other party, every hospital in and outside the city. Soon we will know who did it, but the act like this even an idiot knows is the act of Misawa”
“And how are you going to retort”
“An eye for an eye, he does not deserve to live anymore” Ryu gritted his teeth replied
“If he dies, everyone will think that you kill him and are you not scare the police will tackle?” Ryu becomes silent…Mayumi is right because he is being watched by the police, if he kills Takao, this also means that he walks right into a trap. No matter what he does, the police never take his side anyway
“If I’m going to kill him, I will have to plan it well. When he did it to this extent, I will never forgive him” Ryu is still feuds
“Right now you are still severely hurt. How about you don’t think about the revenge just yet, let yourself recovered first and think about it then” Mayumi reminds him when she see that he had not yet seem to go sleep so easily. The more stressed you are the slower you recovered”
Ryu sighed softly and turned to look at Mayumi which sat on her knees beside him before he unfold a thin smile
“Thank you for reminding me. I am very stressed indeed. You should go bathe so that you can rest also”
“Ok, go to sleep and relax and don’t think too much. Right now we must come and help each other pray for uncle Koji and uncle Masato to survive”
Ryu nodded slowly and closed his eyes. Mayumi backed away to pick up clothes and went into the bathroom. A few moments later she returns to the room and lie down to sleep close to Ryu on the bed. Then she knew that he was not asleep when his arm that was not hurt reach out and pull her body to him. Mayumi moved to hug his waist with worried mind…
Soon, she heard Ryu’s uniform breathing but she could not sleep because she’s extremely concerned about him and the two elderly leaders…She knows in her heart that whoever took action this time want to destroy and completely flush out Oneshika…
She should be terrified…but something told her to trust Ryu, told her to believe in him. He will take them through a step beyond this crisis for sure and she will have to stand by his side all the way through. Therefore, she will not be afraid. She has to have strong mind to make him proud of her, no matter what will happens…
Two days later, Masato’s condition improved and as soon as he was conscious doctor allowed short visiting, while Koji was still lay unconscious and in the care of a physician closely.
On Kazuo side, he was able to find out the names of those who have been injured in the shooting from various hospitals. He sent speed boat out to look for corpses that might have been thrown in the sea to destroy evidence. They will have to hurry to search for the corpses before the fish nibble the body until there’s no evidence left. Then the good luck goes to Oneshika when the fishing boat found a corpse stuck in the fishnet. The corpse has bullets buried in many places and then sent to the police for further examined for evidence.
Everyone in the Oneshika is well aware that the corpse belongs to Misawa due to the tattoo on the body which represents Misawa’s gang including those that are injured from various hospitals, all are Misawa’s men. In the legal section, Ryu let Yuji Kobayashi oversee the case but behind the scenes Ryu secretly coordinates with Hiro Abe the police deputy commander to observe the movement of the Kobayashi father and son closely
That day, while Ryu & Mayumi returned from the hospital after visiting the two elderly leaders, both intended to attend Kazuma’s funeral on the same night, but as soon as they arrived home, Ayako stood waiting with the latest news, she said with a startled face
“The deputy, Abe called and said that Seven Seas nightclub has been caught on fire. Miura-san was trapped in the building. Right now the firefighters are trying to get him out. The deputy also said to tell Oyabun to be careful”
Ryu turns to catch Mayumi’s eyes with apprehension…at last the war has begins and unavoidable. If Airu survives this time he will suspect that it is the revenge of the Oneshika, after he and the three elderly leaders were stealthily shoot in the equivalent time
If Ryu guess is not wrong, whoever took action does not wish Airu’s life because his life is still valuable, if the planner wanted to turned Airu against Ryu and the friendship between the two groups will be completely destroyed
“There it is” Ryu groans with wearily mind “their plan is such exceedingly clever. At last, they destroyed the trusts between us and Miura. Next, we will have battle on both sides, both Misawa and Miura including those that are hidden in the shadows as well”
“Who’s hidden behind the shadows?”
“Soon, he will emerge. He would be the mastermind behind Misawa and the person that planned all this. Because just Misawa alone will not be able to operate like this for sure”
The waiting is the most difficult part for impatient person like Ryu. First thing that he has to wait is waiting to hear the progress of Koji injuries. Koji is the person who has been taking care of Ryu since he was a child and Ryu loves him like a father, because if without Koji the Oneshika-gumi will be shaken and there’s no doubt about that. Although there will be Kazuo’s and others helps, but no one can worked efficiently as Koji
Koji lay unconscious for five days already and the doctor who operated him told everyone to prepare themselves. If altogether seven days and he did not yet recover, his chance of survival is nearly nothing…
The second thing is the case that Yuji is in charge. When looking at the reaction, it’s almost no progress of the people that attacked the three elderly leaders and also Ryu. Even though the Oneshika’s subordinates have already given the information regarding the attackers to the police
And the last thing is the problem between the Oneshika and Miura which seemed to be silent as if nothing had happened. But Ryu knows better than that…beneath the silent and calmness is time bomb that is tucked under when Airu was injured from the fire, with serious condition that he must stay in the sterile room and prohibit visiting. Ryu did not have the opportunity to meet or discuss anything except waiting for the time
Good thing that Masato’s condition improved and was out from the ICU room on the third day and will be released from the hospital in a few days. Ryu have been visiting Koji every day and then return home with disappointment when the elderly leader of the group was still no signs of recovery…
Ryu did not expect to receive good news after he found nothing but disappointments every day that he visited Koji but on the morning of the 6[sup]th[/sup] day, as soon as Ryu stepped in the ICU room, he looked right into Koji’s dark eyes that sparkling full of life and flare up when he saw who’s walking in
“Uncle!” Ryu exclaimed loudly. He quickly stepped to the bed. Tears were pulling up in his eyes when he reached out to hold Koji’s hand and squeezed hard “Uncle, you recovered”
The elderly leader nodded slowly and whispered through his dry lips which were exhausted and hoarse
“Yes, Oyabun”
“I am so happy…” Ryu had to swallow the sobbing lumps that run to his throat many times with gratitude “Uncle, you lost consciousness for several days until I was afraid”
Mayumi who stood beside Ryu, so as tears flow when she saw the bond between the two men and just by looking at the way they looked at each other. She then acknowledges the sincerity that these two gave to each other. She quickly wipes the tears of happiness and sent a smile to the elderly leader as to inspire now that he is off the danger list.
Nurse reported that Koji was conscious since early morning. The first person he asks for was Ryu. When he got the answer that Ryu is okay and came to visit him every day, Koji then was relief and wait anxiously for Ryu to visit him.
“Anything happened? I’m sure the past five days there must be a lot things going on” Koji asks his young master with concern to the problem that happened
“Please rest first uncle Koji” Ryu answered “don’t worry about work yet”
Koji shook his head slowly and refused
“Please tell me. I am feeling much better and I must know everything that had happened”
Ryu turned toward Mayumi for counsel when she nodded he then decided to tell Koji the whole story. Koji’s eyes immediately turned melancholy as soon as he heard that his best friend pass away. He swallows a sorrow lump down his throat and nodded with understanding. Once Ryu finished, Koji said he has some information and he needs to talk to Ryu alone. Mayumi then went outside the room to leave the two men to discuss their business.
Not long after Kazuma’s funeral, Ryu called for a meeting and right after the meeting he announced his marriage in the midst of stress. Few people were against due to the funeral just past and some people looked at it as the best way and to be a good news after the nightmare. While there are other people believe that Oyabun should not get married at this time because they are still in a critical situation and he should have managed the problem between the groups first then get married. If behind the scenes, there are only a few people close to Ryu that know why he announced his marriage as soon as he returns to work on the first day. Ryu dismissed the gossip or the protests that are floating in the air because this time he only wants to buy some time until Koji would recovered, then they will begin to proceed in accordance with the planned. At the same time, he began to spread the news to lure in what the police want to hear, for example, the smuggling contraband that will come with different ship of the company. In order to create confusion to the police force that determined to catch him. Ryu increased work load for the police that he will have time to prepare for the upcoming explosion soon.
Mayumi acknowledged the marriage but was not pleased because Ryu rushed and they will have to get married within a month. She negotiated and was able to extend to two more weeks which total up to 6 weeks instead of two months as she previously requested. All this, she does not know the real reason why Ryu is in such a rush to get married.
Ryu’s injury has improved to almost healed and return to normal. He began to come back to practice sword and light exercise again. During that time, if Mayumi has time she was a sparring partner for Ryu which she learned several new techniques and when he intended to teach and transmit knowledge she then accepted them fully and willingly.
The love between her and Ryu is booming. He has become a charming young man and did not command or force, he waited on her and try to please her any chance he gets. In the morning they would leave to work together by him dropping her off at the hospital. In the evening if he is not busy, he would come and pick her up at the hospital himself and if he is busy, then he would send someone to pick her up. Both had never quarreled again, when both knew their hearts belong to each other…therefore, both waited for their wedding day which was coming expectantly. But there is one thing that bothers Mayumi over the last several days…because when Ryu’s condition improved, at night he would pull her into his embrace all night. Before he sleeps he will only demand good night kiss and a long kiss from her until she was shaken all over but then he would pull away. He never demands to have her return the promise and acted every inch as a gentleman.
If it was her that has been aroused until nearly insane when she used to know the feeling of love making and it was so sweet and she began to yearn it with severely. Many times, she wanted to be the one that cancel the promise herself. If the dignity of a woman still hang around her neck and she did not want Ryu to know that she is going insane because of him. Therefore, every time he moved away, she can only clench her teeth so that she will not request him to continue what he had started…
And every time they go to bed, she wanted to escape and go the old bedroom which used to be Takeshi’s room and sleep there alone so that Ryu cannot wheedles her and backed away again but she cannot do that. Because she cannot and will not let him know how he affected her. Otherwise, he would have laughed at her that she herself calls to cancel the promise.
“Where are my pajamas?” a loud sound from the bathroom. Mayumi was in the bedroom, turned and looked around and saw his pajamas that she prepared for him still fold and in the same place. Ryu forgot to bring with him when he went in the bathroom. She went to retrieve his pajamas and bath towel, open the bathroom door from the outside, went in and hoping to put his pajamas on the wooden cabinet for him to pick up and use immediately when he finished bathing. But then she had completely forgotten that Ryu might be shouting from outside the bathtub and not wearing anything at all. By the time she realized, she had already opened the door and walked in
“Thank you so much, I was absent-minded, did not know what I’m thinking and forgot to bring them”
“It’s okay” she pretend to put up a smooth face, contrary to her heart which beats fast when she saw him standing naked in the middle of the room. Then she quickly handed him his pajamas and intended to hurry back to the bedroom, if her frantically trembling hands cause the pajamas to fell from her hand. Their eyes look at the pajamas on the ground. Then Ryu slowly bent to pick them up because he’s still stiff just seeing Mayumi he felt extremely guilty that she was embarrassed not sensible, he then bent down and snatch it himself. Mayumi unfolds the pajamas to let him inserts his arm easily, then she went around to the front to catch the end of the pajamas and fold them together then tied the strings before she ask him with concern
“Is your shoulder hurt?”
Ryu shook his head a little when answered
“No, just inconvenience. The surgery on the shoulder still feels a little discomfort”
“I’m sorry” once she finished talking, she quickly avoids eyes contact due to humiliation mixed with guilt
“It’s okay, I understand. A little more while you will get accustomed to this” he replied, laughing softly at the sight of her shy demeanor “Lets go to sleep, tomorrow we will have to get up early”
“Yes” Mayumi answered with a smile and follow behind him to their bedroom. Then she heard him asking
“About the invite guests, did you get the list of names yet? I would like to print invitation cards”
“Mine are ready, but not the elders. Tomorrow I will hasten my father again” she said after she reached out to turn off the lights in the room and help covering Ryu with blanket. Suddenly the room was silence
The young people were lying on the mattress of their own. Ryu did not move. Mayumi was almost did not dare to breathe. Her brain all muddled and still thinking of him stood naked a moment ago…he was so beautiful and powerful. Just that she felt a strange restless flash across the abdomen. She immediately closed her eyes and blocks that image out of her head. If several minutes had passed, she slowly opened up her eyes when she perceived the abnormal of Ryu.
Every night, he will be the one that move toward her but tonight, he lay motionless. She simply acknowledges in silent that the tension occurred between the two. And she did not know what he is thinking inside his mind
The man she thought of lying in the dark, gazing blankly at the ceiling for several minutes as if weighing harshly. One mind, Ryu wanted to turn over and pull Mayumi’s body to his embrace and kiss her like so many nights ago. If tonight, he did not dare to do like that anymore, when his body is strong and almost healed. His smoldering sexual energy is increasing every day. He fears he will not be able to restrain and back away from her anymore once he started.
He knew that she was terrified the first time together and just moments ago, he saw the symptoms of bewildered from her in the bathroom, he knew that she’s still afraid of him. Therefore, he will not make her panic and frightened until she retreated again. And he will have to keep the promise until the wedding day in order to possess her righteously, even though his body protests that thought oppressively.
Happy pre-Thanksgiving! cheers! :beer: