[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Adult
Thanks for all the pics, ladies!!! In addition to stress, Nadech is also sick so his immune system is weak. My cold sore usually comes in when I'm sick. It's natural. But I agree, even with a cold sore, Nadech is extremely good looking! Especially with those glasses and hair slicked back! I love Nadech. He never seems to care how he looks. I give him props.

Yaya Kugimiya - I hope Yaya doesn't get a cold sore....but you're right. If she gets one on her lips, we'll know how she got it. Lol.


sarNie Adult
tippytoes said:
morning mrschum! i think it should be for mazda cf :)

and...i finally got my lays!!! i love both the full of spice fried larb and sweet salmon cream cheese ^^
Omg, I'm so happy for you!!! You're such a lucky girl! Please enjoy the taste of Yadech's flavors for the rest of us!!! I'm really curious to know how larb taste like. Cambodian food is similar to Thai food but I don't think I have ever had that. Anyway, don't forget to save the bags!


Neezy said:
Thanks for all the pics, ladies!!! In addition to stress, Nadech is also sick so his immune system is weak. My cold sore usually comes in when I'm sick. It's natural. But I agree, even with a cold sore, Nadech is extremely good looking! Especially with those glasses and hair slicked back! I love Nadech. He never seems to care how he looks. I give him props.

Yaya Kugimiya - I hope Yaya doesn't get a cold sore....but you're right. If she gets one on her lips, we'll know how she got it. Lol.
no my dear dont say like that  nadech's immune system is weak (for severe case only and this is deadly)
it looks viral or allergic reaction.he doesnt need antibiotics it is self limiting i guess
nadech should increase vit.c intake and must have enough rest and avoid stress and no need for him to wear mask it can irritate more his mouth sore


sarNie Hatchling
I like how we are all trying to diagnose his little sickness... Haha .. Such true fans we are. Sure wish he could read some of this stuff.

I wonder if any of the celebs ever come to these forums and read this stuff... Hmmmm


sarNie Adult
Amya - I wonder the same thing too. And I wonder if the reporters ever read what we wrote and reported it back to Yadech.

M9 - If I attended Rangsit, I would totally get kicked out of school for harassment. Lol.


Keep On Smiling
m9saeteurn1 said:
Wow Tippy! You order quite a few bags! I still need to order me some too.
Thanks for the pictures ladies. Can anyone please translate this? I seen it a few time on IG
Since there are a lots of requests for Ploykaempetch magazines,  they has published a special edition with the collection of fashion photos
and interview in full like before plus additional fashion photos and behind the scene to fully satisfy those who missed it or want to buy
it again.
Ppl who wants to own this special edition, call 02-255-5598............
@Falada, I'll be back with the translation later na.  It takes me much  longer time to do it.
Thanks everyone for sharing cool pictures, clips and comments na.


Neezy said:
Amya - I wonder the same thing too. And I wonder if the reporters ever read what we wrote and reported it back to Yadech.

M9 - If I attended Rangsit, I would totally get kicked out of school for harassment. Lol.
i'm so sure reporters even managers and producers are aware of this forum
because this is one of the best parameters  on how hot yadech is.
NETIZENS has a huge contribution on yadech's career.
producers have their own designated staffs to monitor all of their artists forum.
you see our thread has the highest number of viewership making yadech no1 and the hottest commodity in thai showbizness
no wonder yadech are becoming in demand in CFs so they should strike while the iron is hot.
popularity is not forever and they should remain wholesome and avoid scandal to be a role model to the youth.
so their moms are always with them(yadech relationship must be in prvate) (delusional mode) lol! :rant:  :rant:  :rant:


sarNie Oldmaid
hi falada thank u my sweetie, u r so kind 2 spend so much time on grgr ! thanks 2 4 all lovely yadech pics ! yaya is so pretty n decent 2 ! look ...shes wearing a tube under her dress when its not revealing...maybe her bf prefers her 2 keep all 4 him !!! thanks falada v much !


sarNie Oldmaid
hi lovely ! u r on a roll n we r da lucky recipients, thank u lovely !!! love all clips n da song, definitely had me tuning 2 grgr after yr vdo ! i sure m looking forward 2 view more of yr vdo if u plan on further creations ! thanks 4 pic 2 lovely !