[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Adult
Welcome Demi! Hope you'll enjoy it here. Perhaps you can try viki.com? It is really sad how a lot of their lakorns that were subbed has been deleted by YouTube.
Welcome back Lovely! Hope you had a good time!!! ;)


sarNie Adult
it is normal that girls r charmed by nadech coz he is a charming guy...yaya is charmed by him too... :drools: he is so hot and remains "single", it is for sure there r plenty of girls want to get him for their vanity. and it is also for sure that around yaya, there r some guys wait in a queue if she would like to get a bf (well, she has already..lol). honestly, they have to overcome many difficulties to be end up together in future coz the environment where they r, but i do have faith on them..... :cheer: 
i think after nearly 4 yrs' constantly news between them, the mind of they r born and made for each other is like a GOSPEL in thailand and for us overseas fans, even for yadech themselves. no one could break it!!! :dance1:  :dance1: 


sarNie Adult
Lovely_k said:
Hi Ladies, 
Been away for a couple of days and I'm so glad to come back and see lots of nice pictures and news. thank you guys :) @tippy @bubba @falada @key @m9 @queen @mrs @vimalee @huanzhu @neezy and @yaya @amya @char..... Also welcome newcomers make yourself at home :)
Also to kick start the re-airing of Game rai game ruk here is a pic for you to enjoy :crush:  :clap:  :blush:  :wub:
thanks to lovely k,i like this kiss picture very much, so pure and so clean. i like yaya kissed on his up lip....i like yaya takes the initiative to kiss her brother in dja and in grgr. btw, their faces r both perfect in 360 degrees. ok, i just want to say they r so perfect couple, pls be together 4ever.....


sarNie Adult
It's funny how ppl were like "that's the guy that's everywhere in Thailand" on that Kimberlinaxo chick's page. Just her being in the photo with Nadech has made her big already. Ahaha

What? The picture make the kiss look more real than in the lakorn itself lol


sarNie Oldmaid
hi lovely welcome back, sure do miz u and yr warm shout outs 2 us! thank u lovely 4 this so romantic 1st kiss pic ! i dun know how 2 describe da beautiful tenderness !

hi charlenem, yes yadech pls b together forever !


sarNie Egg
Thanks @queenyeon and @sarNie for your welcome ;)
Haha @queenyeon, now I know where your nickname come from! Jiyeon is my fav for a long time already, too sad so many things happened to them this period, but I find my new Yadech couple ;)
I'm watching all the BTS i can find about Yadech, even though I don't know any thai, i still love their interactions <3


sarNie Adult
I can't help but be a little jealous for Yaya when I saw that pic of Nadech and the girl. The girl is not as pretty as Yaya. And by her demeanor and her caption, it seems like she's flirting with Nadech. I TRUST that Nadech knows better and is just being friendly as always. It's true that he doesn't take pics like that with Yaya but I think it's because he really likes and RESPECT Yaya. A guy like Nadech who is friendly and outgoing, I can picture him being shy around someone he TRULY likes. He doesn't dare to touch Yaya out of respect for her reputation. I'm glad he's like this with the girl, it shows that he probably just thinks of her as anyone else, nothing special. And yesss....Nadech sure does look mighty good!!! I hope Nadech makes up to Yaya in a super duper sweet romantic way!!! If I was Yaya, I would think I deserve to be treated extra special after all this! Lol.

Anyway, welcome back Vimalee!!!! Thanks for all the pics, videos as updates everyone! I love you gals! And welcome newcomers!!! :)


sarNie Oldmaid
Neezy said:
I can't help but be a little jealous for Yaya when I saw that pic of Nadech and the girl. The girl is not as pretty as Yaya. And by her demeanor and her caption, it seems like she's flirting with Nadech. I TRUST that Nadech knows better and is just being friendly as always. It's true that he doesn't take pics like that with Yaya but I think it's because he really likes and RESPECT Yaya. A guy like Nadech who is friendly and outgoing, I can picture him being shy around someone he TRULY likes. He doesn't dare to touch Yaya out of respect for her reputation. I'm glad he's like this with the girl, it shows that he probably just thinks of her as anyone else, nothing special. And yesss....Nadexh sure does look good!!!
Anyway, welcome back Vimalee!!!! Thanks for all the pics, videos as updates everyone! I love you gals! And welcome newcomers!!! :)
love yr cmns nee me feeling tons better reading yr tots, thank u nee n v nice 2 c u back!


sarNie Hatchling
Lol you guys are too cute trying to feel for yaya. Nadech takes pictures with alot women and so does yaya Na. I personally think its cool so that they can get a lil jealous of each other and then it gets cute all over again. And yes .. Ya is definitely cuter so she shouldn't have anything to worry about.

Welcome DAMI !!!


Keep On Smiling
Thanks everyone for sharing your wonderful comments.  I enjoy reading them.
Hi Lovely, welcome back and thanks for sweet pics of Yadech.  Miss you na.
@MrsChum and @keylargo, yep, we'll be waiting together na hehe.
@dami1025, welcome to the thread and enjoy your stay.   Here is the link to NY Vietnam Fanpage.  https://www.facebook.com/NadechYayaVietnamFanpage

The T-shirts printed with Yaya's drawing are on sale for charity.   They can be ordered from Mistine catalog 18/2013.
Wow.....so proud of Yaya.   She is indeed a well-rounded person with many talents.


sarNie Adult
dami1025 said:
Thanks @queenyeon and @sarNie for your welcome ;)
Haha @queenyeon, now I know where your nickname come from! Jiyeon is my fav for a long time already, too sad so many things happened to them this period, but I find my new Yadech couple ;)
I'm watching all the BTS i can find about Yadech, even though I don't know any thai, i still love their interactions <3
You guessed it right! My nickname is related to Jiyeon! They did pass through a whole lot this year, but hey! They've survived,they're still standing strong and they're still doing good! Don't be too sad, T-ara isn't over yet! Not anytime soon  :heart:  that's a little OT!!
I'm sure you'll enjoy being in Yadech's fandom! Trust me, those two are the best  :heart:
Welcome back Lovely_k!! The two pictures you posted are too cute for words!!


sarNie Adult
Keylargo - Haha, you're welcome! That's what we're all here for. To share news and also to comfort and encourage each other during times of bad rumors. Lol.

Amya - Jealousy between Nadech and Yaya it's cute. I want to see them be jealous too. Hehe. I just hope one or the other truly DON'T change their minds and pursue someone else. And if that is the case....I hope they discuss their differences first and no one cheats on each other.


sarNie Adult
bubba said:
Thanks everyone for sharing your wonderful comments.  I enjoy reading them.
Hi Lovely, welcome back and thanks for sweet pics of Yadech.  Miss you na.
@MrsChum and @keylargo, yep, we'll be waiting together na hehe.
@dami1025, welcome to the thread and enjoy your stay.   Here is the link to NY Vietnam Fanpage.  https://www.facebook.com/NadechYayaVietnamFanpage

The T-shirts printed with Yaya's drawing are on sale for charity.   They can be ordered from Mistine catalog 18/2013.
Wow.....so proud of Yaya.   She is indeed a well-rounded person with many talents.
do you know how to order?


sarNie Egg
@queenyeon: yeah, my love for t-ara never end :D Im just sad that they not appear in variety show as much as b4, the reason why i fall in love w my jiyeonie, now i can't see her so often :(
Yadech is just the cutest thing, esp yaya, with her not-too-fluent thai :p Im searching for the thorannee and game rai game ruk BTS with eng sub, do anyone know ab/ this? Great thanks to you :)


sarNie Adult
Amya said:
Nadech takes pictures with alot women and so does yaya Na. I personally think its cool so that they can get a lil jealous of each other and then it gets cute all over again. And yes .. Ya is definitely cuter so she shouldn't have anything to worry about
that's exactly how i feel, they are actors who are bound to hug and kiss other ppl, no need to be possessive and jealous na, js as long as they are koo cee wit jing jing of each other then im a happy camper!!

plus i always love a little bit of jealousy, loved seeing nadech jealous a few times, now i really want to see yaya reciprocate that jealousy!!!