Very creative and well said @cookiies :flowers: :flowers: :heart: :heart: :heart: everyone comment! Also :thanks: everyone for all the cute pic :heart: it very much :heart: :heart:cookiies said:This is totally my reaction after I have seen what MarkKim wrote
''I'm both Yaya and Kim's fans but I personally think that Kim is very pretty, beautiful and Gorgeous than Yaya''
''Kim's acting also is better than Yaya's''
Damn, YOU REALLY ARE a ''fan of Yaya''
''I'm both Yaya and Kim's fan but I personally think that Kim is very pretty, beautiful and GORGEOUS than Yaya. Kim's acting also is better than that of Yaya's but I still don't understand why and how come Yaya gains more popularity than Kim?!!
Nadech looks great with both Yaya and Kim (in fact Kim looks cute with anybody)''
First of all I think you should stop saying that you're ''also are a fan of Yaya'' since it's obviously clear that you're not.
This is the main reason why I hate Kim and I got to give the credit to her fans for making me hate her!.
Even if I hate her I don't go to her threads just to bash and compare her to someone else, I just don't go to her threads. Why would I waste my time on things/people I don't like. And SOME of Kim's fans should learn it as well.. If u don't like Yaya or someone else then don't go to threads.
Whenever you praise Kim, you always end up bashing another actress down, and the actress that you girls end up bashing the most is my favourite actress (Yaya). IF you think that by bashing Yaya or another actress will be good for Kim then just keep continue bashing whoever you girls want. But IF you're going to bash or compare Yaya with Kim THEN do it somewhere else cause I'm actually not interested in knowing how ''Better Kim'' is![]()
''Why is Yaya more popular then Kim??''
hmmm.... I will let you figure that out on your own
Dear, Yaya's hater! This is my message to all of you
The only exercise some people get is running their mouth!
They always thrive off of creating nothing but drama and gossip.
Btw does Yaya's name taste so good in your mouth?
I bet it does, cause I noticed that they can't stop saying it!
No matter if you Love her or hate her, you're still paying attention to her.
And you're probably paying more attention to Yaya then the one you actually like.
Someone told me that if people talk shit about you, it means that you are very important!
So I guess it's true when people say that you should love your haters and thank them for making our Yaya so important in their life!
Don't hate on someone you know you can never break, someone your words don't hurt, someone you CAN'T BE.
Oh, now when I talk about the haters they do remind me of crickets, You know why??
Cause they make a lot of noise, you hear them but you never see them and when you pass them they get quiet!
Are they trying to KILL ME!??? those pictures!!!!!!