[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


Live Love Laugh
Neezy said:
Hey everyone! Good morning (night)! Did anyone else notice that Yaya changed her IG profile pic back to the old one? I wonder why. I could see if she replaced the one Nadech took of her (from ploygampetch magazine) with a NEW pic, but it's an old one. I hope Yadech aren't bickering. Lol. Oh well, I figured I just point that out. Anyway, it seems quiet on here today. Hope everyone is enjoying their day!
I noticed that too.  Maybe she is still mad at him for not taking her along with Mark to parachute jumping in Pattaya, hehehehe, J/K.   Nadech said Yaya kee ngorn ngai (easily sulking at her Pe Chai in this case) but she is also ngo ngai (easily forgiven him)....Aww,   :spin: :heart:
I feel bad for CROW Awards on October 24.  The three popular stars will not be able to attend and these stars can draw the most crowd.
Nadech cannot go due to filming a lakorn
Yaya confirmed to go but cannot go the last minute due to filming a CF outside of Bangkok.
I think James J. just left for Korea for six weeks to study dancing and singing.
In the past, the awards will be given to the runner up if one cannot go.
Upcoming events for Yadech's fans to look forward to:
October 27th - Boon Kathin Merit
October 28th - OK Awards 2013


sarNie Egg
@MrsChum thanks for ur info . I thought Nadech went out w/another girl (kind of jealous for Yaya) but I feel better now...


sarNie Adult
Hi Ladies,
Soo..... I have a surprise for all of you this is just a little hint to Dec Travellers magazine with our beautiful couple.... I wonder whos head hes love sniffing hehe  :spin:  :coverlaf:  :clap: . I am so excited maybe..... they saved the BEST FOR LAST hehe. There has got to be a way for us international fans to get our hands on this magazine!!!


sarNie Egg
There hasn't been much update these past few days :( Seems like both Nadech and Yaya are busy with school work and their own events. 

In regards to Yaya changing her Instagram profile picture, I don't think it's a big deal at all :) It's very normal to change your pictures after having it for so long. People tend to get bored of the same thing so she's probably just trying to switch it up. So, I don't think there's any problems between them. Besides, her new profile is gorgeous! 


sarNie Egg
Neezy said:
Hey everyone! Good morning (night)! Did anyone else notice that Yaya changed her IG profile pic back to the old one? I wonder why. I could see if she replaced the one Nadech took of her (from ploygampetch magazine) with a NEW pic, but it's an old one. I hope Yadech aren't bickering. Lol. Oh well, I figured I just point that out. Anyway, it seems quiet on here today. Hope everyone is enjoying their day!


sarNie Egg
Neezy, on 23 Oct 2013 - 08:31, said:
Hey everyone! Good morning (night)! Did anyone else notice that Yaya changed her IG profile pic back to the old one? I wonder why. I could see if she replaced the one Nadech took of her (from ploygampetch magazine) with a NEW pic, but it's an old one. I hope Yadech aren't bickering. Lol. Oh well, I figured I just point that out. Anyway, it seems quiet on here today. Hope everyone is enjoying their day!

I think Yaya mad cause Na keep liking other girl pic( even random pic) I mean for us that's ok but for someone in love like Ya maybe that's a problem, that why she change the sexy pic to make Na drooling .... This is just my guess, u guy don't be serious


sarNie Adult
spyNY said:
Neezy, on 23 Oct 2013 - 08:31, said:
Hey everyone! Good morning (night)! Did anyone else notice that Yaya changed her IG profile pic back to the old one? I wonder why. I could see if she replaced the one Nadech took of her (from ploygampetch magazine) with a NEW pic, but it's an old one. I hope Yadech aren't bickering. Lol. Oh well, I figured I just point that out. Anyway, it seems quiet on here today. Hope everyone is enjoying their day!

I think Yaya mad cause Na keep liking other girl pic( even random pic) I mean for us that's ok but for someone in love like Ya maybe that's a problem, that why she change the sexy pic to make Na drooling .... This is just my guess, u guy don't be serious
Lol, SpyNY..... Your funny with your thought :) I don't think that the case though.......he he
Yadech both knows what matter and what don't. I'm sure nothing going on with them two. Like someone mention earlier they must be busy and changing IG profile pic is normal.


sarNie Hatchling
Greeting everyone.

Thanks to all lovely girls for the mv, pictures and translation.

lol@spyNY, i know which girl u refer to. Yeah, Na seemed to like every of her pictures. Just like before, he used to like every picture on one of Ae's girl and ended up with the rumors. But i think he is just being nice to like every picture.

@ Lovely_k, thanks for the yum yum clip. She is so cute there. I like the way she is all out to dance.


Keep On Smiling


sarNie Egg
yaya kugimiya said:
busy texting yaya :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:  :dance3:
omo i wish !! :'") gosh ,,, to be honest nadech looks way better with fresh and clean face ... he looks quite matured with mustache  :) BUT still his is flaming with charisma , no matter what  :) <3 WAIT !!! how can i upload photos from my computer ? i want to share something ... https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1376319_1436042986622980_280846030_n.jpg


sarNie Adult
Hello everyone! Just checking in and wanting to thank you guys! I wont be active as much for a week. Ill try to seek in at night & see whats new with our Yadech. I'll be on vacation and catching my flights in a couple hours. Love all the pictures! I am sad to hear they wont attend the Crows Award. Hopefully they will for the Kerd & huggable one too!
Nadechlover1 - Nadech sure does look mighty handsome with facial hair. I think once we love & find someone attractive they are cute/handsome/sexy no matter what haha :)