sarNie Hatchling
Thanks, Cee! Wow, get Bargie in a room together and ratings soar! lol. Hopefully, we'll see some more enjoyable hubby and wifey moments this weekend. 
I don't remember the links cus i had read those last week i Thinks. :scratchhead2:Lol if what you say is true then we won't see it till next week >.< which summary did you read? I've read all the synopsis's and summaries so far and none of them mention that scene .... Link pleaseeeeeeeee lol
Lucky you, i got the linksLol if what you say is true then we won't see it till next week >.< which summary did you read? I've read all the synopsis's and summaries so far and none of them mention that scene .... Link pleaseeeeeeeee lol
Lucky you, i got the links
If you only want to read the scene that i say, you just jump to 21 part 2.
One tips: Don't be greedy when you read, cus when i read it's take the whole day and night and i don't want to stop to read more. So take is easy and say to yourself that the link wont run away from you. :bhehe:
May I help? It's on her siggie.Tina, can you give me the link to your blog? P