sarNie Oldmaid
It's ending with 22 episodes, next Monday is the last day that it's airing.
o.0 i liked plerng torranong, it's even one of my fav. lakorns from last year...Glad that this lakorn if FINALLY ending goodness. I don't thinking I will be watching MAKER J GROUP lakorns for a while since this one has dissapointed me, as well as Plerng Torranang also. What's up w/their production this year! Gosh. I am going to miss CHALEX terribly though.
Off topic, but sadly not mines even though Mario and Taew were cute together.o.0 i liked plerng torranong, it's even one of my fav. lakorns from last year...
In the opening scenes there's apart where Namon and Pansorn are sitting besides their mom and she's looks to be in the hospital or something...was that scene cut out or hasn't been shown or won't be shown? It'd be kinda weird adding an illness to their mom at the end of the lakorn unless she was already sick and got worst.
me too.The scenes with Nit and her grandma was so touching, i teared up lol.
oh thanks ja cos I thought it ended alreadyIt's not done airing yet ja! Last episode is tomorrow.
I'm Back!Wow, I have to really give credit to Kim for today's episode! She did so good at all of the crying scene! I cried myself with her. I think Kim has improve a lot.
But today's episode was good! I'm glad that Guy that likes nit(forgot his name) told thut the truth, of why nit left to Sydney! And I like how everyone talk him out of being "Khun chai vampire" to "thut the kind hearted". But the only thing that is leaving me hanging is, during the part when nit had to pay money(her dads debt) to those bad guys,and thut like seriously, he just pop out of no where to help her. How did he know that nit was in danger???They could at least show her walking on the street, and he sees her and follow her to that alley, so that we could at least know how he got there to help her! That would have been better, then him just popping out of no where to help her.
And the last scene of them kissing lips to lips was some what ok, I guess. I just hate the fact that, why do they have to take it from the side angle, and then zoom out so far that you could barely feel the tenderness of that kiss scene. I'm so mad! Like, helloooo they are doing a real kiss scene on the lips. Why take it from the side angle and zoom out! Arghhhh, mad!!! But I still like it. And kim has improve in her acting and that's all I wanted to see. And I do not mind seeing her and mart pair up again cause they don't look to bad together!
And OMG....I love alex and mint scene today! It was so cute. I love how she made him run, like how he made her run at the beginning. But instead of riding a motor bike, she was riding a horse, following him. It was just so adorable and funny. I was just laughing the whole time! I seriously think mint has found her koo kwan! Mint and Alex are so cute and adorable together! I love them very much.