[Ch3] Samee (Maker J)


Staff member
Went and read future spoilers .. lakorns will head toward JAOSUA's health issue ... but what i found sweet was that little scene of Khun Ying and Rarp interacting in the backyard .. 
Khunying Ai walked in the garden in confusion.  She recalled her father's words that Jaosua was their enemy. She shaked her head to push away the thought and words of her father.  She closed her eyes and stood still in stress.  At the same time, Rarp walked behind her and covered her eyes with his hands.  Rasika was surprise and was about to open her eyes but heard him whispered softly, "it's just me"
"Khun Rarp."
"Rest your eyes so you will feel better."
His hands was still on her eyes. He pulled her in and let her lean against his chest.  Rasika let go off herself and rested on his chest with the feeling of trust.  She felt relax afterward as she put her hands around his waist.  
"If Jaosua was not the one who hurt Father, maybe things will be much better than this."
Rarp was touched by her and felt her feeling of pain as he realized that she must have love her father as much to feel this distress of her feeling toward him.
"I love you."
"Someday, I will be the wife who loves you without any conditions."
"With just you accepting to have me wait, regardless how long, I can wait."
This made Rasika cried even more.  She's in lots of pain.  Rarp can't do anything but nestled into her hair with love and pity .. accept to bear with it [waiting].
Incase someone wants to read the Thai part (sorry if i mistranslate a few lines to make sense of sentence structures).
 รสิกาเดินมาในสวยด้วยความสับสน เสียงของท่านชายชัยประกาศยังดังก้องในหัวว่าเจ้าสัวเรียวคือศัตรู รสิกาพยายามสะบัดไล่ความรู้สึกสับสนออกไป เธอหลับตายืนนิ่งเครียด ขณะเดียวกันนั้นมือของราพณ์เข้ามาปิดที่ช่วงตาของเธอ รสิกาตกใจจะลืมตา ราพณ์กระซิบเบาๆ
       “พักสายตานะครับ จะได้สบายขึ้น”
       ราพณ์ยังปิดตารสิกาอยู่แล้วดันเบา ๆ ให้เธอพิงตัวเองไว้ รสิกาปล่อยตัวเองให้พิงกับอกเขาด้วยความรู้สึกวางใจและสบายใจขึ้น เธอวางมือบนมืออีกข้างของเขาที่โอบเอวอยู่
       “ถ้าเจ้าสัว...ไม่ใช่คนที่ทำร้ายท่านพ่อ ทุกอย่างคงดีกว่านี้...”
       ราพณ์รู้สึกว่าสัมผัสได้ถึงน้ำตาของรสิกา เขามองอย่างเข้าใจว่ารสิการักตนเองมากพอ ๆ กับที่รักท่านชายถึงได้ลำบากใจแบบนี้
       รสิกายิ่งน้ำตาร่วง เจ็บปวดสับสนเหลือเกิน ราพณ์ได้แต่ซบหน้าลงกับผมของเธอด้วยความรัก สงสาร และพร้อมจะอดทนรอ
Credit: http://www.manager.co.th/Drama/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9560000153298&Html=1&Page=2


sarNie Adult
arofnothing, love your siggie. And thanks Ceci, for the spoilers!  I can't wait to see it!
Love episodes 5 & 6!!! Yep, this is going to be long, very long too. :) Aww.. love Rarb and Rasika's relationship. <3 And I love the grandma and Pralope. Thought it was funny when Amma pushed Rasika. I was dying when Great was shirtless and Preem wiped him. Preem is so lucky. And how worried Rasika was when Rarb was hurt. I almost forgot when Rasika sprained her ankle, and Rarb was worried. :) I'm liking Ram, he's getting there. But not Siht.
Episode 6, I wanted to explode when Rarb showed Rasika how to check your temperature.  :drools: And when Rarb was holding Rasika on the bed. I was hoping something good will happen, but no. :lmao:  When Rarb and Rasika were at the palace, and they helped do the package. I would be laughing and all like, ooh, like the maid, Waew, when Rarb touched Rasika's hand. She's a spunky maid. Starting to like Wee and Roong's relationship! And Ram's with Siht is going somewhere.  
I'm so happy that I actually love Great and Preem! Because I actually hated him. But since I started Jutathep, I fell in love with Great and Preem! And now it took me here, loving Samee. <3


sarNie OldFart
Omg I'm reading so much goodies ahhh finals this upcoming week so I won't be able to catch up on anything ! Reading everyone's post fills me in on what I'm missing ^^ thanks gals.


sarNie Egg
*collapses* Finals are over!! I didn't get to watch ep 5 and 6 and a lot of my thoughts kept drifting to all the episodes (from dramas) I was missing this week, lol. Excited to watch the two episodes this weekend :)


sarNie Egg
First off, really enjoyed the episodes this week. The Ai and Rarb moments- :) Second, just wanted to mention it before I get to the major stuff, but the actress who plays Surisong...I really can't help but cringe with her acting. Usually I get annoyed with evil/jealous roles, but that's just their characters not necessarily the acting (because if I don't like them, then they are doing a good job because that's the point lol) like Linda and Sith. But with this character, I don't know. It just feels awkward, lol.
Last week I really felt for Ai, with the things she was going through. This week now I really feel for Rarb. Whenever he tries to do something for Ai and she refuses, his fallen puppy dog face is so cute yet so sad- especially during the scene where he wants to massage Ai's ankle after she twisted it. The one thing I mentioned with last week's episodes is that I didn't like how Rarb was treating Ai in the sense of her husband/creditor (even though I understood it was because he didn't know how else to express his feelings especially with the way Ai acts towards him), but it changed this week and it seems like it will stick that way- and I am really happy about that.
All the Grandma, Pallop, Rarb and Ai scenes were cute, what else can I say? <3 The other relationships amongst the sisters seems like they are about to begin which I am really interested in especially Rong and Wee's- to see how their journey will be like. I am also glad that Sakan and Rarb are on good terms. Ai and Rarb will need all the allies they can get especially with all the stuff these two go through, lol.
I really thought there would be a R rated scene too...guilty, lol. The last scene in episode 5- wooooow. I was squealing yet slightly fainting because of Great and Preem's chemistry and the way Rarb was looking at Ai. Loved their flirting- even the moments when Ai shut him down lol. And they are now definitely becoming more comfortable with holding each other, touching each other, making googly eyes at one another, etc.
Excited for next week's episodes :)


Staff member
Cece I think there is like a rank for the wives of nobility like Khun Ying Rasika's mother is a commoner so her title is just "Mom." But if she were also of noble line then she would be referred to as Than Ying. I think when the descent of a noble line is a man his wife is considered Mom if she's a commoner, unless she is also of noble line then she would be Than Ying. If it were vice versa and the woman were the noble line, but the man isn't then her rank would be dropped down from Than Ying to just Khun. I remember in the Jutathep series when Than Ying Rasa married Khun Chai Pawornruj her title was changed to Khun Rasa or Khun Ying Rasa. Like Rasika her Dad was of noble line, but her mother wasn't so she is just Khun Ying Rasika or Mom Luang Rasika not sure if she's Mom Luang or Mom Rachawong. 
Eh sorry I guess I didn't do such a good job at explaining it lol


Staff member
lol - i'm still confuse but Rasika is MONRACHWONG .. so does that make her LADY RASIKA or DUCHES RASIKA or PRINCESS RASIKA? Oh, her mother is a commoner -- peasant.