[Ch3] Samee Tee Tra (ThongEntertainment)


sarNie Adult
I like the part where Jao Sua is on side with his son in law.  And Jariya-Mom said but I'm your daughter how she just have the mariage license but not get the heart and body of her lover.  It's like a cemetary/devil staying with a person who complains so much. the grandpa is funny and cool


sarNie Egg
I watched this drama with no eng subs can someone give me a link? Thank you..maybe I will appreciate it more.
Just from the raw clips I've seen Jooy is really shining in this lakorn, she can act. I am loving Diana too. I just wanted to feel that sisterly bond among the three sisters thocbecause I'm not feeling it as of the moment. 
Ploy is another story. The girl just looks like a stunning devil. Pope and Ploy : loving this pair.


sarNie Adult
Alice said:
Ploy is the n'ek 
btw turn to page 80 of this thread i posted the eng sub link 
Alice ..I cannot find it ...can you pls provide the link again. I really want to watch this lakorn w/ eng sub . Thanks in advance


sarNie OldFart
Ploy looked very beautiful at the beach after having almost drowned. Her make up kind of washed off and she looked more natural and n'ek looking. Lol. Maybe they should've calmed down with her n'rai make up and pack some layers on Jui. Sometimes, it seems like they had gotten this backwards. Jui looks like the bitchy n'ek who's getting revenge on n'rai like how Janie was with Tanya in Raeng Ngao. Liking this Ploy and Pope pair, but sometimes, I have to remind myself who's the real n'ek since both are so raeng.


sarNie Hatchling
so far first 2 episodes are pretty good
I like Ploy character, she seem very rai outside, but inside she is very soft. I can understand why she can´t trust P´ek, after all what she must go through. Even her best friend betrayed her with her husband, so how can she trust people. 
Jui character like a snake who can bit you behind your back. Did she really love someone or she was just jealous of the other love? All she did was steal oether people lover or husband. 
and Pope is so hot, I like all character he played until now


sarNie Adult
Karat's character is very sad, in a way she reminds me of Cheon Song Yi from My Love From The Star, haha... Very mean outside, but really soft inside, both girls just want someone to love them!


`my dragon's blood is blue`
I watched ep. 1 & 2, and I gotta say I am hooked. I didn't think I would like it because I don't normally watch dramatic lakorns that involves cheating, lying and backstabbing (esp. Thai lakorns). They are way to draining for my senses. I gave this a try though, and I applaud Jui for this comeback. She's just as good as ever. From the first scene, I knew it was going to be hard to determine who's got the "spotlight" in STT. Ploy, is of course an exceptional professional actress. I don't watch her lakorns much because her characters are usually "raeng" or too "bubbly" for my interest. But all of those traits are perfect for this lakorn. Karat is the epitome of what a "Mia Yai" (1st  wife) is. She doesn't back down, and she knows how to handle those women that sleeps around with her husband. Yet, deep down she's just a hopeless romantic looking for a man to cherish and love her.
Pope as the pra'ek, still has room to grow more. I guess as the lakorn airs, his character will be more involved with Karat & Peung.
I get so into the scene when Karat and Peung were confronting each other. I didn't know who to cheer for. I feel bad for the both of them. They got tangled up with the wrong man. Both were cheated. Obviously Peung will seek further revenge because I feel like she has always despised or was always jealous of Karat. I can't wait to see how it all plays out. Some of the "preview shots" in the opening is so intense. Esp. the one where Karat finds Pisut/Pope in bed with Peung and she jumps on the bed and grabs him by the throat. *wheeew* Looking forward to seeing that.


sarNie Tombstone
little22 said:
I'm really enjoying this version.  It's fast paced.  I like n'ek though she's rai raeng that's how I like it n'ek to be better than the weak ones I can't stand and get frustrated watching n'ek weak.  First time watching Jui in lakorn.  It's good she move to ch.3.  The best is with Ch. 3.  I like Pope character so caring and soft. I so giddy with them too imagine if they love each other and have the love scenes it'll be hot.
Ploy and Pope will begin their love scene in the next upcoming episode 


sarNie Tombstone
*lily* said:
so far first 2 episodes are pretty good
I like Ploy character, she seem very rai outside, but inside she is very soft. I can understand why she can´t trust P´ek, after all what she must go through. Even her best friend betrayed her with her husband, so how can she trust people. 
Jui character like a snake who can bit you behind your back. Did she really love someone or she was just jealous of the other love? All she did was steal oether people lover or husband. 
and Pope is so hot, I like all character he played until now
she doesn't love anyone beside herself only she tried to get Pope just to destroy Ploy making her go crazy until she looses everything Jui she's just jealous the fact Ploy she's born rich everyone loves her even Pope his starting to extremely falling inlove with Ploy, Jui will never win that is why later she snatches Top from Diana this is the only way she can destroy Ploy family tell u something Jui role is very evil but act nice 


sarNie Tombstone
x0unerthanlater said:
I watched ep. 1 & 2, and I gotta say I am hooked. I didn't think I would like it because I don't normally watch dramatic lakorns that involves cheating, lying and backstabbing (esp. Thai lakorns). They are way to draining for my senses. I gave this a try though, and I applaud Jui for this comeback. She's just as good as ever. From the first scene, I knew it was going to be hard to determine who's got the "spotlight" in STT. Ploy, is of course an exceptional professional actress. I don't watch her lakorns much because her characters are usually "raeng" or too "bubbly" for my interest. But all of those traits are perfect for this lakorn. Karat is the epitome of what a "Mia Yai" (1st  wife) is. She doesn't back down, and she knows how to handle those women that sleeps around with her husband. Yet, deep down she's just a hopeless romantic looking for a man to cherish and love her.
Pope as the pra'ek, still has room to grow more. I guess as the lakorn airs, his character will be more involved with Karat & Peung.
I get so into the scene when Karat and Peung were confronting each other. I didn't know who to cheer for. I feel bad for the both of them. They got tangled up with the wrong man. Both were cheated. Obviously Peung will seek further revenge because I feel like she has always despised or was always jealous of Karat. I can't wait to see how it all plays out. Some of the "preview shots" in the opening is so intense. Esp. the one where Karat finds Pisut/Pope in bed with Peung and she jumps on the bed and grabs him by the throat. *wheeew* Looking forward to seeing that.
the part where Pope on the bed with Jui, cos Jui make him go drunk and sleepy 


sarNie Adult
yes we all know that Jui is a two faced and only acts nice but Ploy can see through her. But I think it's Top's fault too though, but Jui gets karma she gets left again and miscarriage. I just hope Top doesn't get with the girl because it is his fault too. He doesn't deserve it!


sarNie Tombstone
lakornsrok said:
yes we all know that Jui is a two faced and only acts nice but Ploy can see through her. But I think it's Top's fault too though, but Jui gets karma she gets left again and miscarriage. I just hope Top doesn't get with the girl because it is his fault too. He doesn't deserve it!
Top in the end he doesn't get with any of the two girls Jui and Diana, cos his another cheater 


`my dragon's blood is blue`
Alice said:
the part where Pope on the bed with Jui, cos Jui make him go drunk and sleepy 
Yeah. I didn't think that Pisut/Pope would fall for her without being drugged up or drunk. He already has a bad impression of her (Peung).


sarNie Hatchling
Alice said:
she doesn't love anyone beside herself only she tried to get Pope just to destroy Ploy making her go crazy until she looses everything Jui she's just jealous the fact Ploy she's born rich everyone loves her even Pope his starting to extremely falling inlove with Ploy, Jui will never win that is why later she snatches Top from Diana this is the only way she can destroy Ploy family tell u something Jui role is very evil but act nice 
I hate that kind of character the most, act nice outside, but has evil soul inside
poor Diana (that girl has same name as me :) ),she just chose a wrong person to love.
I really like Top, but I don´t like his character in STT, he is cheater


sarNie Adult
I'm enjoying the first 2 episodes. Ploy and Jui are great. Love the scenes where Ploy confronts Jui. I feel Karat is more hurt by a betraying friendship than a cheating husband. For a guy who has lots of woman they could've chosen a better looking guy as the dead husband. I know he was in the original version but still, pick a hot looking guy. I also think everyone has way too much makeup in the lakorn both male and female.  Or it's  just bad makeup because I can clearly see it on their faces all thanks to watching it in HD. BTW I find it amusing that Nok is playing Ploy's mother when in another old lakorn which also had Ploy's real life sister in it, Nok played her sister. Ploy was just a child then. How times gone by.


sarNie Tombstone
*lily* said:
I hate that kind of character the most, act nice outside, but has evil soul inside
poor Diana (that girl has same name as me :) ),she just chose a wrong person to love.
I really like Top, but I don´t like his character in STT, he is cheater
then can i call u diana 