Ep6; Honestly, when Kin was crying, I was smiling. I don't pity him at all. TSK. Nahk is so adorable being a perv, lbs. OU, I wanna punch Kin. -.- But I can't help but smile when he was stunned at Janie, hah. It was cute. That's the first REAL sign he actually has feelings for her or think she's beautiful. xP And him not thinking evily. HAHA, her face she gave him though. "Yeah, you know I look good." xP But wait... Now that I think about it. He already saw all of her...? ._. Hm. Dayum. Akk has a nice body. *_*
Ep7; AWWWWWE, Nahk and Duen are so cute! The car scene! Adorable. <3 Also funny! LOLOLOL. When she bent down, hahahaha! Darn you Kin. >;( OU DANNG. Haha, you go Tawan! Teach that stupid Chat a lesson! WOOT WOOT! She really is becoming strong.

Taking boxing too! LOL. I'm impressed. It was eh at first but I AGREE. This episode is getting me hooked again!! LOL, when Lek looked at Tawan, haha. Darn... She's still crying. If I was her, I would pull a SLAP/RUN. Lol. Slap him then run the hell awaay! If he catches me then... Well, I'm dead. ._. Haha, okay. There are times when I do like Kin's jealousy. His "calm" (if there is such one) jealousy. Like the one where he saw Akk giving food to Tawan. There goes that stunned face I like agaaiinn. :3 His smile after was cute. Janie is beautiful in that dress. <3 Haha, when Lek said that's P`Tawan, Kin was like oh hell nawh. You know him!? WHEN?! WHERE?! HOW. & so on. Gaah, his "calm" jealousy is cute. :3 Nok knows her brother is jealous, lol. OUUU! She trynna make Kin jealous! As much as I love her thinking, it's so bad at the same time. She should already know how bad it will get. Kin is crazy! Like I said, Nahk is adorable! SERIOUSLY! When a crazy guy is drunk, don't provoke him, lol. -.- But yeah. Lydia really is tiny compare to Kan, haha.