Even though the guy suppose to be the dad best friend, but he is younger friend, not as old as the dad.
The youngest daughter is a daddy's little girl and she love her dad and she like a man to be as nice and good like her dad, because she think her dad is the best type of man.
She can related to the guy more and have more of an understanding relationships because of her relationships with her father and she felt bad for him because of how his wife has been treated him. She think he is a good man like her dad, that's why she falls for an older man.
In reality some daddy's girl does end up with older man. They need and look for that secure and warmth feeling and protection of a father in their lives.
This helps me understand her feelings more (Elecrtra complex? haha) makes me more interested in the youngest sister's part of the story - plus she'll be the main n'ek anyways.
gosh, i'd love for either Num or Andrew to play the role of the dad's friend. they're two of my favorite actors!
well if we keep with the idea that the three sisters will be played by Aff, Ploy and Chompoo...at first i thought the order was alright with oldest as Ploy, then Chom then Aff, but after reading others, i also agree that Aff has that very mature type of appearance so she'd do ok as the oldest as well. it's just that i have a hard time imagining either Ploy or Chom as the youngest... >< at the same time, watching Aff in Jai Rao made me hate her as a weak character very much. i mean, weak n'ek usually start getting annoying every time, but in JR, it was to the max annoying =[
If Chompoo is the youngest then i'd love for Andrew to be the dad's friend, haha...
however if Chompoo plays either the oldest or middle then Great is my number one, hehe, they're way cute together!