yes. i scared now."ruk mark gor kaen mark"
oh. is that why he's flirting w/ rin? to piss leela off? seems like it from the marrying his dad will do her any better. hes gonna dislike her even more and plus, he'll have more reasons to put her down
lol yeah =.= but girls are stupid sometimes when they want to hurt a guy they don't think about how it'll hurt them back lols; like me sometimes muahahahalike marrying his dad will do her any better. hes gonna dislike her even more and plus, he'll have more reasons to put her down
lol yeh; it's just a woman's trickery and mind only women can do these kinds of things b.c we're genius and evil muahah i pretend to starve myself sometimes when my hubby piss me off but secretly i eat when he's gone lmao ='[ yeh im a bad wifey LOLyes. i scared now.h34r:
yes, he plans to use narin as his game of revenge to make leela mad cuz the more she wants him to stay away from narin they more he'll get close with her.oh. is that why he's flirting w/ rin? to piss leela off? seems like it from the previews.
^^haha so sneaky
well in some cases, it makes the pra'ek more jealous by marrying his dad like in likit kamatep with anne/mart. he falls for his step-mom which is anne.
=.= "killing" what are u thinking LOLs;finally, have a break to come and check this thread. thank lynda for the pixtures. Even the scene is on thursday, it not that long to wait for because it something that we looking forward for it.
and yeap I agree, tina that "ruk mark gor kaen mark" and because of this feeling there are many couples killing each other now aday.
So true, I hate her before I ever gotten to know her character. marrying his dad will do her any better. hes gonna dislike her even more and plus, he'll have more reasons to put her down
=.= "killing" what are u thinking LOLs;![]()
if they are mouth to mouth it will be nice.does anyone know if Ken REALLY puts his lips on anne when he's giving her mouth to mouth on the beach??..cause i cant tell
lmao. hit & quick it. :loool: i'd tap that... :loool:Just BANG and left :loool: oh my freaking god! the heck...this post is so crazie...LOL
you might as well say "hit and run"...LOL :r-scene-pop-corn:
hahah. as nasty as it gets. lol jkkkkk. we just like having a wild imaginationya so wild i thought i was naughty i guess ya' sarnies is naughtier
yeahh i'm still hoping ONE day, to see ken walking around in boxer after a "Rawrr" scene. :drool: :loool:it rare for lakorn to do real kiss -- they do but it just rare , so im pretty sure it the camera magic , head on shoulder or nose rubbing HAHHAHAHAH me ..from years of watching lakorn .
I know, some of them are too fake. But the real ones are juicy, they do a lot of a better job than those weird kisses in Chinese drama, you know those historicalïƒ I don’t know what to call itdrama. They are lips to lips and sometimes tongue to tongue rare for lakorn to do real kiss -- they do but it just rare , so im pretty sure it the camera magic , head on shoulder or nose rubbing HAHHAHAHAH me ..from years of watching lakorn .
I know, some of them are too fake. But the real ones are juicy, they do a lot of a better job than those weird kisses in Chinese drama, you know those historicalïƒ I don’t know what to call itdrama. They are lips to lips and sometimes tongue to tongue too.
LmaO. i aM fiNe wiTh tHe mOdeRn dRamA tHouGh, I stiLl liKe tHoSE dRamA thOugH.eww i know.. chinese drama do too much when it comes to romance scenes. it's kinda